Logo Evaluation Lab

An active lab designed to add value to social and international development projects.

Connecting, sharing and consolidating

PuntoSud Evaluation Lab carries out research and evaluation activities with the aim of contributing to the development and dissemination of social innovation practices. It does this both internally, by following the conception, realization, monitoring and evaluation of the Foundation’s projects, and for clients such as funding bodies and civil society organisations.

Evaluation Lab



We work to add value to what already exists. The world is rich in solutions however these need to be studied, shared and tested.


We work to enhance innovative ideas. Innovation is rarely born of a single revolutionary idea, instead it derives from the ability to develop, improve and share the idea while making it more visible and accessible.


We are always looking to the future. We work, study and collaborate with others to identify and strengthen social change models. We use concrete examples to disseminate best practices.

    what we do

    For over twenty years we have been active in conducting research, developing monitoring systems and evaluation studies of projects, programs and strategies. We always consider our clients, partners and beneficiaries when identifying the most appropriate study method to be employed.
    We have acquired extensive experience in the development of monitoring systems focused on the data life cycle and in using different research methods: counterfactual, theory based, process based, cost-effectiveness, or specifically oriented to capture the perspective of the actors involved.
    Moreover, in line with our mission, in the past years we have invested in the development of effective methods for the scientific dissemination of our research findings, trying to study forms of communication targeting different recipients, including the beneficiaries of the interventions. We believe that evidence is of great value to all and that we must try to give everyone a voice.



    Development of efficient systems of use to institutions (partnership or as external service) with the aim of proposing a data life cycle capable of guaranteeing information for the decision makers, communication actions and monitoring of the strategies.

    Diverse project evaluation approaches focused on capitalizing experiences according to the research questions such as the outcome of a defined method, the capacity of an intervention to generate benefits, the ability of a project to provide opportunities of empowerment, consolidation and development for the actors involved.

    Ad hoc courses and support in the development of the institution’s internal resources with the aim of reinforcing its competences while defining the most appropriate evaluation approaches to be used.

    Organization, Democracy and Social Development

    Development and application of procedural and operational instruments for the management and control of regranting or fund transfer systems finalized at reinforcing local development processes.

    Analysis and development of experiences, models and specific contexts finalised at defining a concrete multi-actor plan with opportunities for the implementation of interventions, while suggesting funding systems other than donations.

    Climate, adaptability and ecosystemic services

    Analysis and development of ideas in the field of climate change action and the defence of ecosystems with the objective of experimenting forms of active participation on behalf of citizens, companies and institutions capable of proposing win-win and sustainable solutions in response to social, economic and environmental problems.

      how we do it

      The Evaluation Lab acts as a “bridge” between the study and elaboration of methodologies and field-based learning while putting at the centre the organizations and the people who manage the projects, those responsible for its implementation and the actors who invest in the hypotheses for change.
      Therefore, in our work, not only do we try to draw attention to the data and evidence collected but we also seek to share the results of the intervention with staff from the implementing bodies, citizens who benefitted from the actions, local actors and of course the donors.
      We believe that the data collected and the experiences analysed cannot be of much use unless much attention and thought is given to the way in which this information can be used and how it can be the catalyst for the activation of paths for the development and improvement of services and project planning.
      It is through this method that we try to disseminate, both in Italy and abroad, a culture of learning and evaluation, favouring the exchange of information, best practices, methods and lessons learned, between the different actors who work in the social sector and in the implementation of international humanitarian and development projects.



      We are active in trying to fully understand research questions and expectations, while trying to stimulate a medium term vision of the programs


      We elaborate a method so as to guarantee that the consultancy is effectively useful to the client in demonstrating the true social added value of the product


      We believe that an evaluation is a precious learning opportunity for everyone


      We believe that an evaluation is a precious learning opportunity for everyone


      We study forms of communication designed for different target groups, including the project beneficiaries, with the belief that evidence is of value to all and we should give everyone a voice

      who for and who with

      PuntoSud Evaluation Lab has been chosen as monitoring and evaluation institution by some of the most important funding bodies that are active in the social and international cooperation sector in Italy. It has been asked to provide support, whilst maintaining a critical perspective, and to evaluate, not only single initiatives but also bigger projects and interventions. These include the Italian Agency for International Development (Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo), the Cariplo Foundation, the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, ACRI and the non-profit organisation Con I Bambini.
      Through our work we have developed the unique and particular capacity of being able to communicate successfully both with donor organizations and very diverse funding institutions, not only in terms of the creation of monitoring systems, internal evaluation strategies and ex post impact evaluation programmes, but also in terms of the capacity to develop and redefine projects which have been financed and their respective bids and tenders, both during the course of the intervention and ex post.


      Fight against energy poverty: evaluation of the Doniamo Energia Calls

      Through the evaluation of the Bandi Energia (Energy Call for Proposals), promoted by Fondazione Cariplo and Banco dell’Energia, we contribute to the development of intervention models finalised at avoiding that disadvantaged families in the Lombardy descend into structural poverty. We do this by focusing on promoting skills and territorial networks.

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      best beyond stereotypes

      School and gender stereotypes: an innovative intervention model

      With the Be.St. – Beyond Stereotypes project we promote the development of a systemic approach across primary schools in order to facilitate relationship building amongst children based on respect and the acknowledgement of diversity in order for future generations to become more aware of their potentials.

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