Via Angera 3 – 20125 Milan (Italy)
Fiscal Code: 97257480158
VAT number: IT04636880967
Registered Charity
© Copyright 2023 PuntoSud – All Rights reserved
The PuntoSud Academy is the PuntoSud learning hub.
Its main objective is to enhance the knowledge and capacities of the staff of NGOs, UN agencies, European Commission, Member States’ national agencies in dealing with development cooperation and humanitarian aid programmes.
The support is mostly focused at making the cooperation among Grant receiving organisations and donor agencies more efficient and collaborative.
Through its activities, the Academy aims at raising knowledge and empowering organisations in developing their internal control systems to ensure a more efficient use of resources.
Since 2008, the Academy is the official partner of the European Commission for the provision of training and helpdesk services to all DG ECHO’s partners and staff.
The Academy is specialised in the design and delivery of learning experiences related to access to EU funding, EU project cycle and grant management, financial management, internal control and accountability systems.
With over 20 years of expertise, the PuntoSud Academy methodology is based on its long-standing and successful experience in designing and delivering training services worldwide.
We deliver our training programs using experimental and adult learning approaches that can be summarised through the following best practices.
Learning Plans
Blended training composed by (virtual/ F2F) classroom training, eLearning and webinars combined to provide high competences and master the subjects of interest.
Short live lectures enriched by pools, question-and-answer sessions and quizzes.
Face-To-Face Classrooms
Interactive environments (face-to-face) for sharing practical ready-to-use information and tools with participants through participatory and custom-tailored approaches.
In-House Training
Courses tailored on the organisation’s specific needs and preferred methodology. They can take the form of learning plans.
Virtual Classrooms
Interactive environments (in a virtual classroom) for sharing practical ready-to-use information and tools with participants through participatory and custom-tailored approaches.
EU Grants Learning HUB
A community of professionals to learn and share information, practices and updates on the EU rules and procedures.
Self-paced courses, based on dynamic presentations, interactive quizzes and case studies.
Constant support and advice on EU grant management rules and procedures.
Organisations benefiting of our training are mainly actors working in implementing humanitarian and development projects (Civil Society Organisations, International Non Governamental Organisations, UN Agencies and International Organisations), private and public Donor Agencies, Universities and Research Institutes.
The European Solidarity Corps programme aims to provide young people, including those with fewer opportunities, with easily accessible opportunities for engagement in solidarity activities, while improving and validating their competences.
Through the PuntoSud Academy, for over ten years we have been sharing and disseminating know-how for efficient project design in international development and humanitarian aid, trying to enhance the skills and knowledge of local communities and civil society organisations.
For over 15 years we have been supporting The Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO) so as to facilitate a proper and transparent management of humanitarian interventions and an efficient and effective collaboration between the donor (EU) and the funding recipients (NGOs, International Organisations and Member States’ Specialised Agencies