SUBLIME – SDGs Unite Border communities as Leaders of Inclusiveness, Mobilisation and Empowerment
SUBLIME aims to support local authorities in raising awareness about global interdependencies, gender equality, and sustainability in EU border towns and islands. It focuses on empowering citizens, promoting climate actions, and fostering gender equality. The project builds on past initiatives and partnerships to enhance SDG-focused policy-making and inclusive societies.
In the past 15 years, municipalities have gained significance in promoting sustainable development by prioritizing the common good and embracing their role in the global agenda. Local Authorities (LAs) are vital in addressing global challenges, aligning strategies with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and collaborating with civil society organizations (CSOs) for comprehensive sustainable development encompassing economic, social, and environmental dimensions. However, border towns and islands confront unique sustainability issues such as irregular migration flows, lacking recognition, support, and coordination within states and among each other. Similarly, smaller municipalities encounter challenges in networking, prompt action, and citizen engagement.
To address these issues, SUBLIME aims to assist LAs as non-formal Development Education and Awareness Raising (DEAR) actors, enhancing community understanding of global interdependencies including gender equality, environmental sustainability, and global warming. The project seeks to foster inclusive EU border towns and islands, promoting interconnected societies with a sense of co-responsibility for local and global sustainable development. Its objectives include empowering LAs to advocate sustainable lifestyles, climate actions, and gender equality, and encouraging citizen participation in tackling sustainable development challenges.
SUBLIME draws from past initiatives like “Snapshots from the Borders” and the Border Towns and Islands Network (BTIN), emphasizing the collaboration between LAs and CSOs. Partnerships with other organizations further strengthen the project’s impact.
Ultimately, SUBLIME aims to engage citizens in global sustainable development, fostering inclusive societies and empowering border communities to address global challenges effectively
Our activities:
Within the SUBLIME strategy, PuntoSud is in charge of the outline and design of the financial support to third parties mechanisms.
Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovenia
The partnership involves 11 local authorities and 14 CSOs in 11 countries
- Italy: Comune di Lampedusa e Linosa, AMREF, Fondazione Punto.Sud, Lai-Momo Societa Cooperativa”
- Malta: Kunsill Lokali Msida, Koperazzjoni Internazzjonali – Malta (Kopin)
- Austria: Strass in Steiermark “Sudwind Verein Fur Entwicklungspolitik Und Globale Gerechtigkeit”
- Bulgaria: Burgas Municipality, Chance for the Children and the Nature of Bulgaria Foundation
- Cyprus: Nicosia Development Agency, “HFC “”HOPE FOR CHILDREN”” CRC POLICY CENTER”
- Greece: Municipality Of West Lesvos, Impact Hub Labs
- France: Grandesynthe
- Hungary: Kisharsány Községi Önkormányzat, Cromo Alapítvány
- Slovenia: “Zavod za izobraževanje in kulturo Črnomelj”,”Iscomet-Institut Za Etnicne In Regionalne Studije Zavod”
- Romania: Tulcea PMT, Novapolis Association – Center Of Analysis And Initiatives For Development
- Poland: The City of Suwałki, Fundacja Pomocy Wzajemnej Barka
- EU Level: “ICLEI EUROPEAN SECRETARIAT GMBH; Impact Hub Association
European Union – DEAR Programme
- 210 EU local authority (LA) representatives in the partner countries, including mayors, councillors and administrative staff
- 30 LA representatives in the EU neighbourhood countries Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova and Tunisia
- 150 policy-makers at national and European levels
- 550 teachers and educators
- 110 citizens promoting win-win actions inspired by social & sustainable business models
- 15,000 youth aged 15 to 30, 2,200 citizens who are not sensitive to and involved in sustainable development and global challenges, and 1,100 marginalised community members.
EUR 5.965.174
2024 – 2028
Advocacy/Awareness raising/Comunication, Civil society, Environment/Fight against climate change, Granting and Sub-granting
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
valore progetto
alunni della scuola primaria
Engaging young rural European citizens in a gender responsive approach to soil protection
The ‘Rural voices’ project, involving 12 organizations across 14 European countries, operates in rural communities by experimenting with a new learning-centered approach for non-formal education in rural areas. It will engage 21 million young European rural citizens, locally and globally, in sustainable development efforts within their communities. PuntoSud will handle the financial support management.
Training of candidate volunteers of the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps
The European Solidarity Corps programme aims to provide young people, including those with fewer opportunities, with easily accessible opportunities for engagement in solidarity activities, while improving and validating their competences.
Civil society and human rights in Eswatini
In Eswatini we support human rights associations through the promotion of knowledge and participatory methods, thus facilitating the work of local networks and the interaction between different public and private entities operating in the African country.
Development of an agriculture resilient to climate change in Nepal
The project, funded by AICS, aimed to improve sustainable agriculture in Sindhuli, Kavrepalanchok, and Sindhupalckokin, in Nepal post-2015 earthquake. It included the establishment of production cooperatives and the promotion of climate-friendly techniques, for the benefit of farmers’ increased production and income. PuntoSud managed financial assistance for pilot projects as part of the strategy.
The project supported the agricultural activities in the Nepalese Districts of Sindhuli, Kavrepalanchok, and Sindhupalckokin, in the aftermath of the 2015 earthquake. Commencing in March 2017 and spanning 24 months, the project was funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation and was coordinated by ASIA. It involved PuntoSud, Istituto OIKOS and the Nepalese organization CEAPRED.
Primarily, the project aimed to enhance the sustainable agricultural production practices, in the three districts, by adopting an inclusive approach to foster market-oriented food security. It endeavoured to produce higher quality food with reduced reliance on natural resources and chemical inputs, while simultaneously increasing producers’ incomes through certified production systems.
The outcomes achieved include the following:
- Establishment of a Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) for vegetables and vegetable seed chains, involving farmers and private companies.
- Creation of 140 production cooperatives involving 2,250 members, of whom 50% are women, with an estimated 30% increase in production per unit area.
- Promotion and adoption of sustainable, climate-friendly techniques by 1,500 farmers, with direct financial support to 20 small pilot actions, and dissemination of good practices among private and institutional stakeholders.
Our activities:
As part of the project strategy, PuntoSud developed a financial assistance programme for small pilot projects. Together with the project partners, it defined the selection and management criteria for the projects and took care of their internal support and monitoring.
- 4,500 farmers (of which 50% women) in the districts of Sindhuli, Kavrepalanchok and Sindhupalchok
EUR 757.038
2017 – 2019
Capacity building and professional training, Community and rural development, Environment/Fight against climate change, Food security/Agriculture, Granting and Sub-granting, Sustainable development
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
valore progetto
alunni della scuola primaria
NOPLANETB: Bridging science and society to foster inclusive transition strategies
NOPLANETB is a project funded by the European Commission under the DEAR program, in which PuntoSud is the lead organization. The other EU countries involved are: Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Estonia. 210 selected small sized CSOs in these 8 countries will receive financial and capacity building support, involving local authorities, to promote science-based solutions and just transition practices and policies. Final beneficiaries of the action will be disengaged citizens, including marginalised and vulnerable groups
Capacity building and follow up services for the empowerment of the beneficiaries awarded through the call “Reazioni” promoted by Compagnia di San Paolo
As part of the “Reactions” call to action launched by the Compagnia di San Paolo, PuntoSud was contracted to accompany a capacity building and follow-up program for the empowerment of the beneficiaries of the grant and to provide them with support in the implementation and reporting of supported projects.
Zero in conduct: in-formative actions driven by young people, teachers and citizens to reduce environmental impact
Aim of the project is to provide tools and new spaces of dialogue in order to help the actors of the formal and informal field activate themselves through educational and training activities to fight climate change, after deeply understanding its mechanisms
Engaging young rural European citizens in a gender responsive approach to soil protection
The ‘Rural voices’ project, involving 12 organizations across 14 European countries, operates in rural communities by experimenting with a new learning-centered approach for non-formal education in rural areas. It will engage 21 million young European rural citizens, locally and globally, in sustainable development efforts within their communities. PuntoSud will handle the financial support management.
The project is implemented by 12 organizations (among those 3 youth umbrella organizations, 1 association of local authorities and 1 LA) in 14 in EU countries (HU, ES, IT, SI, DE, PL, PT, BG, NL, AT, GR and in addition FR,CZ,EE via sub-grant mechanism). Main objectives of the action go into two directions: to reach less addressed rural people with a new approach of development education and to promote soil protection and its interconnection to gender equality. The action thereby directly tackles key issues of SDGs and Green Deal: Sustainable land management is critical for addressing climate change and just transition. The action contributes to the development of young rural European citizens’ critical understanding of global interdependencies and to actively engage them in sustainable development on local and global level. The specific objectives reflect this as the action firstly develops an experimental learner centred approach on non formal development education for rural areas and disseminates it. The development and implementation of the action as a conjoint effort of the consortium and engaged rural youth leads to sensitizing 21 million young inhabitants of European rural areas about the interdependencies between the global challenges of land degradation and gender inequality. With manifold capacity building and concrete engagement options the project will engage 250.000 young rural inhabitants and enhance the competences of 9.000 educational multipliers in rural areas to take action for soil protection, gender equality and women empowerment. Thereby the project will have made a concrete contribution for the integration of Global citizenship education in non formal education in rural areas in the EU
Our activities:
PuntoSud will provide a capacity building program for small and medium size CSOs, identified in some Italian internal areas. The capacity building activity is preparatory to the subsequent re-granting activities, which will allow some CSOs to put into practice the projects that have been conceived during the capacity building process. PuntoSud will organize community of practices among interested CSOs (financed CSOs and other interested CSOs).
Moreover, PuntoSud will manage financial support in three European countries non covered by project partners: France, Czech Republic, Estonia.
Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain
- Hungarian Baptist Aid HBAid
- Andalusian Fund of Municipalities for International Solidarity FAMSI
- Comune di Foligno
- Organic Gardens for Education AOGE
- Forum internationale entwicklung + planung finep
- Fundacja Kupuj Odpowiedzialnie
- Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr IMVF
- Open Education Centre Foundation OEC
- Stichting Slow Food Youth Network SFYN
- Südwind Entwicklungspolitik Salzburg
- 21 million young inhabitants of European rural areas sensitized
- 250.000 young rural inhabitants engaged
- 9.000 educational multipliers in rural areas
5.887.203 EUR
2024 – 2027
Advocacy/Awareness raising/Comunication, Capacity building and professional training, Civil society, Community and rural development, Education, Educational poverty, Environment/Fight against climate change, Gender equality, Granting and Sub-granting, Sustainable development
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
valore progetto
alunni della scuola primaria
Training of candidate volunteers of the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps
The European Solidarity Corps programme aims to provide young people, including those with fewer opportunities, with easily accessible opportunities for engagement in solidarity activities, while improving and validating their competences.
Civil society and human rights in Eswatini
In Eswatini we support human rights associations through the promotion of knowledge and participatory methods, thus facilitating the work of local networks and the interaction between different public and private entities operating in the African country.
NOPLANETB: Bridging science and society to foster inclusive transition strategies
NOPLANETB is a project funded by the European Commission under the DEAR program, in which PuntoSud is the lead organization. The other EU countries involved are: Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Estonia. 210 selected small sized CSOs in these 8 countries will receive financial and capacity building support, involving local authorities, to promote science-based solutions and just transition practices and policies. Final beneficiaries of the action will be disengaged citizens, including marginalised and vulnerable groups
The overall objective is to convince a large number of citizens, especially those who are less sensitive to and less involved in global challenges, about the relevance of adopting local actions to mitigate the negative effects of the climate and ecological crises, including their impact on the social and economic spheres. Within this framework, small CSOs are deemed crucial to trigger effective win-win action models and to convey clear messages for the adoption of more sustainable practices. The specific objectives are consequently to test a considerable number of “Innovative-models” (in the area of adaptation to the climate and ecological crises), implemented by small CSOs with high informative potential in 8 EU countries, and to increase community acceptance and support of the Green Deal agenda, GAP III and SDGs (particularly 5, 11, 12 and 13). This will be achieved giving priority to youth organisations that do not have the financial, administrative and/or operational capacity to apply directly for EU funding and by promoting a series of activities aimed at increasing their capacities on different key themes.
Our activities:
- Project coordination;
- Set up and organisation of open in-country fora;
- Set up of scientific committee and guidance to foster science-based small-actions;
- Financial support for selected small and medium-sized civil society organizations in the eight partner countries;
- Consolidation of best practices and production of evidence-based action fiches;
- Organization of communities of practice;
- Set up of a helpdesk to support the selected CSOs in their projects’ design and management;
- Definition and delivery of a capacity building program;
- Creation of the communication strategy of the project, linked to the development and dissemination of its brand;
- Support to the cooperation with local authorities and local actors;
- Organization of meetings and events, including the final conference.
Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain
- ACTED (France)
- AMI – Fundação de Assistência Médica Internacional (Portugal)
- Fondo Andaluz de Municipios para la Solidaridad Internacional (Spain)
- Finep akademie e.V. (Germany)
- Hungarian Baptist Aid (Hungary)
- Fairtrade Poland (Poland)
- Mondo (Estonia)
- 50.000 (of which 25.000 youth) citizens targeted by the small actions
- 6.000.000 general population reached by project key messages
6.661.302 EUR
2024 – 2027
Advocacy/Awareness raising/Comunication, Capacity building and professional training, Civil society, Environment/Fight against climate change, Granting and Sub-granting, Sustainable development
2017 - 2021: NOPLANETB (There isn’t a PLANet B! Win-win strategies and small actions for big impacts on climate change)
- Asociatia Servicul Apel (Romania)
- AMI – Fundação de Assistência Médica Internacional (Portugal)
- Fondo Andaluz de Municipios para la Solidaridad Internacional (Spain)
- Finep akademie e.V. (Germany)
- Hungarian Baptist Aid (Hungary)
NOPLANETB is a program created to encourage the spread of sustainable lifestyles by financing the best communication, awareness and advocacy initiatives aimed at combating climate change and promoted by small and medium-sized organizations in society, which benefit from a process of strengthening their skills and consolidate and/or expand their network.
4.569.531 EURO
valore progetto
alunni della scuola primaria
Capacity building and follow up services for the empowerment of the beneficiaries awarded through the call “Reazioni” promoted by Compagnia di San Paolo
As part of the “Reactions” call to action launched by the Compagnia di San Paolo, PuntoSud was contracted to accompany a capacity building and follow-up program for the empowerment of the beneficiaries of the grant and to provide them with support in the implementation and reporting of supported projects.
Zero in conduct: in-formative actions driven by young people, teachers and citizens to reduce environmental impact
Aim of the project is to provide tools and new spaces of dialogue in order to help the actors of the formal and informal field activate themselves through educational and training activities to fight climate change, after deeply understanding its mechanisms
NOPLANETB HUB: co-programming against climate change
NOPLANETB is the first Italian HUB that aims to promote the spread of sustainable lifestyles by incubating, co-designing and financing communication, advocacy and awareness-raising ideas and initiatives promoted by small organizations of Italian civil society and aimed at raising awareness of citizens on the topic of climate change
NOPLANETB, the “L’infastruttura” for territorial sustainability
“NOPLANETB, the “L’infastruttura” for territorial sustainability, aims to enhance the experience of NOPLANETB, one of the operational areas of PuntoSud, and outline a renewed value proposition to define and test a model of territorial sustainability capable of strengthening internal expertise and providing a new development to the entire organizational and legal framework of PuntoSud, in line with its inherent inclination toward innovation and social and environmental responsibility.”
The main objective of the project is to establish NOPLANETB as the infrastructure for territorial sustainability within a renewed organizational, policy, and legal framework of PuntoSud, aimed at consolidating its social responsibility. The validation of a renewed value proposition, focusing on programming and territorial sustainability and enriched by a prototype of action, is considered crucial for diversifying and innovating NOPLANETB’s offerings and its rebranded image. Only when these two elements come together can NOPLANETB’s value proposition be recognized as innovative in the field of ecological transition by various stakeholders and shareholders (civil society organizations, for-profit businesses, public institutions, etc.), and serve as an engine for the organization.
The shared identification of objectives and expected results has allowed, together with the selected consultants (see partners), the definition of the implementation methods of the intervention, characterized by some common elements across the three actions:
- Enhancing the existing skills within the NOPLANETB (and PuntoSud) team and strengthening them through training and coaching;
- Identifying shared solutions: renewing the brand identity of NOPLANETB and enriching the offering with the development of new models for project design and territorial sustainability, which will lead to the new positioning of NOPLANETB;
- Implementing and realizing the identified solutions: using the new brand identity materials, testing the prototype of the new value proposition of NOPLANETB, the renewed organizational structure of PuntoSud, and the adoption of concrete social responsibility measures.
Fondazione Cariplo (Riprogettiamo il futuro: capacity building e formazione per il Terzo Settore)
- 13 dipendenti della Fondazione
- Almeno 300 cittadini per il progetto pilota
56.000 EUR
2023 – 2025
Capacity building and professional training, Environment/Fight against climate change
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
valore progetto
alunni della scuola primaria
Fight against energy poverty: evaluation of the Doniamo Energia Calls
Through the evaluation of the Bandi Energia (Energy Call for Proposals), promoted by Fondazione Cariplo and Banco dell’Energia, we contribute to the development of intervention models finalised at avoiding that disadvantaged families in the Lombardy descend into structural poverty. We do this by focusing on promoting skills and territorial networks.
School and gender stereotypes: an innovative intervention model
With the Be.St. – Beyond Stereotypes project we promote the development of a systemic approach across primary schools in order to facilitate relationship building amongst children based on respect and the acknowledgement of diversity in order for future generations to become more aware of their potentials.
Capacity building and follow up services for the empowerment of the beneficiaries awarded through the call “Reazioni” promoted by Compagnia di San Paolo
As part of the “Reactions” call to action launched by the Compagnia di San Paolo, PuntoSud was contracted to accompany a capacity building and follow-up program for the empowerment of the beneficiaries of the grant and to provide them with support in the implementation and reporting of supported projects.
Compagnia di San Paolo, through the mission of protecting environment, activated a call to action aimed at supporting projects and actions with concrete effects in the field of environmental protection and the adoption of sustainable and conscious lifestyles, stimulating the citizen engagement on these issues. PuntoSud has been contracted to accompany candidate and selected CSOs through a capacity building and follow-up program to empower them and to support the implementation and reporting phase of the financed projects. PuntoSud technical assistance will focus on the following:
- Supporting the design and development of the call;
- Dissemination and promotion of this new funding (organisation of info session and helpdesk support);
- Preparation of documentation and reports relating to the various phases of the call to action;
- Collaboration in the implementation of the activities of selected projects in a coaching logic and with the aim of increasing their impact and consolidating and expanding their range of action in the territory;
- Supporting the beneficiaries in the phase of definition of metrics for monitoring and evaluating the results of the projects;
- Supporting project reporting activities and presentation of the documentation required by Compagnia di San Paolo.
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
Compagnia di San Paolo
- 19 organisations
- 380.444 citizens
798.800 EUR
2023 – 2024
Capacity building and professional training, Environment/Fight against climate change, Granting and Sub-granting
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
valore progetto
alunni della scuola primaria
NOPLANETB: Bridging science and society to foster inclusive transition strategies
NOPLANETB is a project funded by the European Commission under the DEAR program, in which PuntoSud is the lead organization. The other EU countries involved are: Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Estonia. 210 selected small sized CSOs in these 8 countries will receive financial and capacity building support, involving local authorities, to promote science-based solutions and just transition practices and policies. Final beneficiaries of the action will be disengaged citizens, including marginalised and vulnerable groups
Zero in conduct: in-formative actions driven by young people, teachers and citizens to reduce environmental impact
Aim of the project is to provide tools and new spaces of dialogue in order to help the actors of the formal and informal field activate themselves through educational and training activities to fight climate change, after deeply understanding its mechanisms
NOPLANETB HUB: co-programming against climate change
NOPLANETB is the first Italian HUB that aims to promote the spread of sustainable lifestyles by incubating, co-designing and financing communication, advocacy and awareness-raising ideas and initiatives promoted by small organizations of Italian civil society and aimed at raising awareness of citizens on the topic of climate change
Zero in conduct: in-formative actions driven by young people, teachers and citizens to reduce environmental impact
Aim of the project is to provide tools and new spaces of dialogue in order to help the actors of the formal and informal field activate themselves through educational and training activities to fight climate change, after deeply understanding its mechanisms. The project wants to develop the transversal skills, to increase the cognitive, socio-emotional and behavioural dimension of the youngsters’ learning in order to make them protagonists of the ecological transition, thus to support the “individual and collective change to create a more sustainable and just world”. The Action engages educational and local institutions, young people and citizens.
The project consists in three main components/results:
- Young People and teachers gain more tools to understand Climate Change:
- Local institutions and CSOs increase their knowledge and ability to activate citizens, addressing them towards the ecological transition;
- Citizens are encouraged to participate in the ecological transition and the fight against Climate Change.
The project will develop Peer Education and Changemaker territorial paths. Both of them will allow the acquisition and the strengthening of information linked to local/national/global programs and strategies for ecological transition and the reduction of the environmental impact, active participation and decision-making processes. The understanding of these issues will allow young people to take action themselves, encourage their peers to be the protagonists of the ecological transition and local urban regeneration.
Young people will be engaged through exchange experiences such as The Climate Training Camp and the Open Call to Action. The Open Call to Action will allow them to send their ideas to answer the local environmental challenge. A commission of judges from the Bcorp and Benefit field, institutions and professionals of sustainability will evaluate them.
Local administrations and CSOs will be trained not only on policies and opportunities linked to the ecological transition but also on tools and good practices for youth and citizen engagement for a real participation in the decision-making processes.
Further beneficiaries of the training, at national level, will be the Teachers, who will receive information and materials to strengthen their knowledge and methodologies.
The project foresees, as a third result, a National Communication Campaign and Exchange initiatives promoted by the beneficiaries to make the citizens active members of the fight against climate change. To meet this goal, we also want to develop a Re-Granting activity to allow a selection of CSOs to develop their own local initiatives of awareness, advocacy and mobilization. The final national Event will be a further opportunity of exchange and dissemination at the institutional level.
- 1.523.470 citizens
- 20 organizations
697.457 EUR
2023 – 2024
Capacity building and professional training, Civil society, Education, Environment/Fight against climate change, Granting and Sub-granting
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
valore progetto
alunni della scuola primaria
NOPLANETB: Bridging science and society to foster inclusive transition strategies
NOPLANETB is a project funded by the European Commission under the DEAR program, in which PuntoSud is the lead organization. The other EU countries involved are: Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Estonia. 210 selected small sized CSOs in these 8 countries will receive financial and capacity building support, involving local authorities, to promote science-based solutions and just transition practices and policies. Final beneficiaries of the action will be disengaged citizens, including marginalised and vulnerable groups
Capacity building and follow up services for the empowerment of the beneficiaries awarded through the call “Reazioni” promoted by Compagnia di San Paolo
As part of the “Reactions” call to action launched by the Compagnia di San Paolo, PuntoSud was contracted to accompany a capacity building and follow-up program for the empowerment of the beneficiaries of the grant and to provide them with support in the implementation and reporting of supported projects.
NOPLANETB HUB: co-programming against climate change
NOPLANETB is the first Italian HUB that aims to promote the spread of sustainable lifestyles by incubating, co-designing and financing communication, advocacy and awareness-raising ideas and initiatives promoted by small organizations of Italian civil society and aimed at raising awareness of citizens on the topic of climate change
Mindchangers: Regions and youth for Planet and People
MINDCHANGERS is a European project involving institutions and associations from 6 European regions to discuss Agenda 2030, climate change and migration. Through calls for projects implemented by Local Authorities and CSOs and an innovative pan-European campaign, young people are involved through active citizenship actions and their engagement on global challenges and core values is strengthened.
Independent external evaluation – in itinere and final – of the MINDCHANGERS initiative aimed at analysing the quantity and quality of results, in order to facilitate the implementation of the project and support the evaluation of activities and results to be carried out by the European Commission.
The analysis requested focuses on the progress of the activities and the level of achievement of the expected results, without neglecting the description of obstacles and of the mitigation and adaptation measures adopted, in order to provide the commissioning body (and the partners of the initiative) with suggestions aimed at improving the implementation of the project and the possible elaboration of future projects.
For the realisation of the evaluation activities, in addition to the documentary analysis, information is collected through the following survey methods:
- Semi-structured interviews, in order to collect opinions, perceptions, information and data from the contact persons of the partner organisations and the main stakeholders (and/or key informants), supplemented if necessary by seminars/group discussions with the same stakeholders, in order to be able to enhance group dynamics and their contributions.
- On-line questionnaires, in order to involve as many stakeholders as possible to gather qualitative elements;
- Seminars/group discussions to gather ‘broad’ and qualitative evaluation elements (e.g. lessons learnt, impacts and sustainability of the initiative, spheres of influence and case studies etc.).
Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Romania, Spain
- Regione Piemonte
- COP – Consorzio ONG Piemontesi
- Staatsministerium Baden-Württemberg
- Stiftung Entwicklungs-Zusammenarbeit Baden-Württemberg,
- Gobierno de La Rioja
- CONGDCAR – Coordinadora de Ong de La Rioja
- Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Unione Europea- Programma DEAR
- 300,000 young people (15-35 years old, of which 10,000 young people actively engaged
- 500 workers from local authorities and social organisations
- 3 million EU citizens informed about the promoted activities, of which about 700,000 are aged 15-35
8.306.442,1 EUR
2020 – 2024
Advocacy/Awareness raising/Comunication, Capacity building and professional training, Civil society, Granting and Sub-granting
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
valore progetto
alunni della scuola primaria
NOPLANETB: Bridging science and society to foster inclusive transition strategies
NOPLANETB is a project funded by the European Commission under the DEAR program, in which PuntoSud is the lead organization. The other EU countries involved are: Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Estonia. 210 selected small sized CSOs in these 8 countries will receive financial and capacity building support, involving local authorities, to promote science-based solutions and just transition practices and policies. Final beneficiaries of the action will be disengaged citizens, including marginalised and vulnerable groups
Capacity building and follow up services for the empowerment of the beneficiaries awarded through the call “Reazioni” promoted by Compagnia di San Paolo
As part of the “Reactions” call to action launched by the Compagnia di San Paolo, PuntoSud was contracted to accompany a capacity building and follow-up program for the empowerment of the beneficiaries of the grant and to provide them with support in the implementation and reporting of supported projects.
Zero in conduct: in-formative actions driven by young people, teachers and citizens to reduce environmental impact
Aim of the project is to provide tools and new spaces of dialogue in order to help the actors of the formal and informal field activate themselves through educational and training activities to fight climate change, after deeply understanding its mechanisms
We repair objects, we recreate relationships. At the school of circular economies at Lab Barona
In 2022-23, the 4th and 5th classes of the Capponi primary school and the 1st of the Gramsci middle school, are involved in educational activities and workshops at school and at the Lab Barona Repair Cafè with the aim of contributing to increase knowledge and awareness among pupils on the importance of environmental sustainability in everyday life. In particular, teachers and students will work on the theme of the circular economy
Starting from the circular economy, the project promotes attention to the new life of objects, through re-use and repair. The project will also be an opportunity to socialize and exchange experiences, to clash the disposable culture, to promote the good practice of reuse and therefore reduce the amount of waste produced.
The project works closely with the Lab Barona Repair Cafè, a space located in via Ettore Ponti 15, a few meters from the Capponi and Gramsci schools, launched in 2021 by La Cordata with the aim of offering the neighborhood a space where objects can be repaired, materials can be recycled giving new life to objects and at the same time a place for the exchange of skills, relationships and opportunities to create solidarity and mutual aid. With the project we want to strengthen the bond started with the neighborhood and create a new channel of collaboration with the surrounding schools in order to raise awareness and activate the inhabitants on circular economy issues. In this sense, the identified target, young students between the ages of 9 and 12, could be a driving force for the involvement of parents and potential new users of the Lab Barona Repair Cafè who will be able, even at the end of the project, to continue to have a place that in the neighborhood offers the possibility to repair, recycle, reuse.
Objectives to be achieved:
The project aims to increase the knowledge and awareness of primary and secondary school students on the importance of environmental sustainability in everyday life to clash the ongoing climate and environmental crisis and promote understanding of their role as protagonists of the ecological transition.
In particular:
- The project intends to increase the knowledge and skills of teachers and pupils of the Capponi primary school and Gramsci lower secondary school on issues related to environmental sustainability, in particular on the concept of circular economy, reuse and recycling.
- The project intends to promote the activation of pupils and teachers also with the involvement of the educational community to identify concrete solutions for daily actions that respect the environment.
To achieve the objectives, the three main activities are: teacher training, student training and laboratory activities. On the sidelines there is the activation of the “educating community” or the network of organizations and associations of the territory and in particular of the most peripheral part of the Barona district, which are informed, involved and activated to support the laboratory activities
Fondazione Cariplo
- 256 pupils
- 20 teachers
43.078 EUR
2022 – 2023
Capacity building and professional training, Education, Environment/Fight against climate change
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
valore progetto
alunni della scuola primaria
NOPLANETB: Bridging science and society to foster inclusive transition strategies
NOPLANETB is a project funded by the European Commission under the DEAR program, in which PuntoSud is the lead organization. The other EU countries involved are: Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Estonia. 210 selected small sized CSOs in these 8 countries will receive financial and capacity building support, involving local authorities, to promote science-based solutions and just transition practices and policies. Final beneficiaries of the action will be disengaged citizens, including marginalised and vulnerable groups
Capacity building and follow up services for the empowerment of the beneficiaries awarded through the call “Reazioni” promoted by Compagnia di San Paolo
As part of the “Reactions” call to action launched by the Compagnia di San Paolo, PuntoSud was contracted to accompany a capacity building and follow-up program for the empowerment of the beneficiaries of the grant and to provide them with support in the implementation and reporting of supported projects.
Zero in conduct: in-formative actions driven by young people, teachers and citizens to reduce environmental impact
Aim of the project is to provide tools and new spaces of dialogue in order to help the actors of the formal and informal field activate themselves through educational and training activities to fight climate change, after deeply understanding its mechanisms
Crowdfunding, promotion and maintenance of urban green areas
The aim of the project was to develop the knowledge and a critical sense among citizens on global interdependence and on the sense of co-responsibility of society on climate change. In line with this objective, were selected 24 projects implemented by CSOs active in environmental campaigning and advocacy initiatives, financed and promoted, aimed at promoting and caring for urban green in metropolitan cities.
The project was part of the “There isn’t a PLANet B project! Win-win strategies and small actions for big impacts on climate change”, funded by the European Commission as part of the DEAR (Development Education and Raising Awareness) program and was aimed at CSOs wishing to promote challenges related to climate change, stimulating a continuous reflection on the importance of carrying out inclusive shared actions, capable of initiating individual practices and / or stimulating sustainable policies.
The objective of the 2 calls launched during the project was the selection and funding of 24 micro-projects in metropolitan cities, which, through awareness-raising, information, communication and advocacy actions, help to promote and take care of urban green. The funded actions, implemented by CSOs, provided for the implementation of activities that were inspired by the general objectives of NOPLANETB and the sustainable development goal 11 (SDG11) and contributed to the promotion of greenery in cities.
In particular, awareness-raising, information, advocacy and communication activities were financed which – directly and / or by way of demonstration – had one or more of the following as examples:
- Respect for the natural heritage of cities and support for citizens to use and access green areas;
- Dissemination of the culture of respect for green areas in cities;
- Dissemination, promotion and / or strengthening of a new culture of urban green and public areas as common goods;
- Promotion of the link between actions that increase the supply of urban green areas and urban regeneration initiatives with the utmost attention to the use of green areas by citizens.
In addition, those initiatives that were innovative, reinforced (and / or connected) to existing initiatives at local, national and / or European level, and, in their implementation, involve different bodies were awarded.
- Lead agency: ICEI
- 75.000 citizens
200.000 EUR
2018 – 2021
Advocacy/Awareness raising/Comunication, Capacity building and professional training, Civil society, Education, Environment/Fight against climate change, Granting and Sub-granting
2018: 100.000 euro per la Sostenibilità
14 projects financed
- TréntaMI zona 30 per una Milano più verde, MILANO ( Genitori Antismog )
- Lombrichi liberi a Quartu , CAGLIARI ( Presidio Piazzale Trento )
- Safari urbano, MILANO ( Associazione Centro Incontro )
- Immagina. Corviale verde, ROMA ( Retake Roma )
- Abitare il verde a Venezia, VENEZIA ( Associazione di Promozione Sociale Eddyburg )
- Non solo un giardino, PALERMO ( Laboratorio Zen Insieme )
- ParCommunity, REGGIO CALABRIA ( Associazione Culturale Demetra )
- Bambart, REGGIO CALABRIA ( Associazione Culturale Antigone-Osservatorio sulla ‘ndrangheta )
- SEStante, ROMA ( Associazione Istituto EcoAmbientale )
- Cambiare stile di vita e pedalare per andare al lavoro!, BOLOGNA ( Salvaiciclisti Bologna )
- Il Giardino dei Semplici, BARI ( Ri-puliamoci )
- Danisinni Garden, PALERMO ( In Medias Res )
- F-ORTIfichiamoci!, TORINO ( Associazione Amici di MAIS )
Festival dello Sviluppo Sostenibile
100.000 EUR
2019: 100.000 euro per la Sostenibilita 2.0
14 projects financed
- Partenope Green, Frattamaggiore (NA) ( Comunica Sociale )
- Truc Bandiera, Torino ( Pro Natura Torino )
- Chi semina raccoglie, Altamura (BA) ( Associazione Culturale Link )
- I giardini delle api, Torino ( Associazione ECOntACT )
- Forchette verdi e Milano a tavola col pianeta!, Milano ( Confederazione Cittadinanza Consapevole )
- Verde, sano e bello!, Roma ( Nuova Acropoli )
- Escape4Change – Natura urbana, Torino ( Associazione culturale Eufemia )
- Il verde intorno a noi, Torino ( ZAC! Zone Attive di Cittadinanza )
- Cagliari Evergreen, Cagliari ( Cittadinanzattiva Onlus )
- Amico Albero, Cagliari ( A.R.K.A. Eventi culturali )
- Un giardino per Bagheria, Bagheria (PA) ( La piana d’oro )
100.000 EUR
valore progetto
alunni della scuola primaria
NOPLANETB: Bridging science and society to foster inclusive transition strategies
NOPLANETB is a project funded by the European Commission under the DEAR program, in which PuntoSud is the lead organization. The other EU countries involved are: Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Estonia. 210 selected small sized CSOs in these 8 countries will receive financial and capacity building support, involving local authorities, to promote science-based solutions and just transition practices and policies. Final beneficiaries of the action will be disengaged citizens, including marginalised and vulnerable groups
Capacity building and follow up services for the empowerment of the beneficiaries awarded through the call “Reazioni” promoted by Compagnia di San Paolo
As part of the “Reactions” call to action launched by the Compagnia di San Paolo, PuntoSud was contracted to accompany a capacity building and follow-up program for the empowerment of the beneficiaries of the grant and to provide them with support in the implementation and reporting of supported projects.
Zero in conduct: in-formative actions driven by young people, teachers and citizens to reduce environmental impact
Aim of the project is to provide tools and new spaces of dialogue in order to help the actors of the formal and informal field activate themselves through educational and training activities to fight climate change, after deeply understanding its mechanisms