SUBLIME – SDGs Unite Border communities as Leaders of Inclusiveness, Mobilisation and Empowerment
SUBLIME aims to support local authorities in raising awareness about global interdependencies, gender equality, and sustainability in EU border towns and islands. It focuses on empowering citizens, promoting climate actions, and fostering gender equality. The project builds on past initiatives and partnerships to enhance SDG-focused policy-making and inclusive societies.
In the past 15 years, municipalities have gained significance in promoting sustainable development by prioritizing the common good and embracing their role in the global agenda. Local Authorities (LAs) are vital in addressing global challenges, aligning strategies with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and collaborating with civil society organizations (CSOs) for comprehensive sustainable development encompassing economic, social, and environmental dimensions. However, border towns and islands confront unique sustainability issues such as irregular migration flows, lacking recognition, support, and coordination within states and among each other. Similarly, smaller municipalities encounter challenges in networking, prompt action, and citizen engagement.
To address these issues, SUBLIME aims to assist LAs as non-formal Development Education and Awareness Raising (DEAR) actors, enhancing community understanding of global interdependencies including gender equality, environmental sustainability, and global warming. The project seeks to foster inclusive EU border towns and islands, promoting interconnected societies with a sense of co-responsibility for local and global sustainable development. Its objectives include empowering LAs to advocate sustainable lifestyles, climate actions, and gender equality, and encouraging citizen participation in tackling sustainable development challenges.
SUBLIME draws from past initiatives like “Snapshots from the Borders” and the Border Towns and Islands Network (BTIN), emphasizing the collaboration between LAs and CSOs. Partnerships with other organizations further strengthen the project’s impact.
Ultimately, SUBLIME aims to engage citizens in global sustainable development, fostering inclusive societies and empowering border communities to address global challenges effectively
Our activities:
Within the SUBLIME strategy, PuntoSud is in charge of the outline and design of the financial support to third parties mechanisms.
Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovenia
The partnership involves 11 local authorities and 14 CSOs in 11 countries
- Italy: Comune di Lampedusa e Linosa, AMREF, Fondazione Punto.Sud, Lai-Momo Societa Cooperativa”
- Malta: Kunsill Lokali Msida, Koperazzjoni Internazzjonali – Malta (Kopin)
- Austria: Strass in Steiermark “Sudwind Verein Fur Entwicklungspolitik Und Globale Gerechtigkeit”
- Bulgaria: Burgas Municipality, Chance for the Children and the Nature of Bulgaria Foundation
- Cyprus: Nicosia Development Agency, “HFC “”HOPE FOR CHILDREN”” CRC POLICY CENTER”
- Greece: Municipality Of West Lesvos, Impact Hub Labs
- France: Grandesynthe
- Hungary: Kisharsány Községi Önkormányzat, Cromo Alapítvány
- Slovenia: “Zavod za izobraževanje in kulturo Črnomelj”,”Iscomet-Institut Za Etnicne In Regionalne Studije Zavod”
- Romania: Tulcea PMT, Novapolis Association – Center Of Analysis And Initiatives For Development
- Poland: The City of Suwałki, Fundacja Pomocy Wzajemnej Barka
- EU Level: “ICLEI EUROPEAN SECRETARIAT GMBH; Impact Hub Association
European Union – DEAR Programme
- 210 EU local authority (LA) representatives in the partner countries, including mayors, councillors and administrative staff
- 30 LA representatives in the EU neighbourhood countries Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova and Tunisia
- 150 policy-makers at national and European levels
- 550 teachers and educators
- 110 citizens promoting win-win actions inspired by social & sustainable business models
- 15,000 youth aged 15 to 30, 2,200 citizens who are not sensitive to and involved in sustainable development and global challenges, and 1,100 marginalised community members.
EUR 5.965.174
2024 – 2028
Advocacy/Awareness raising/Comunication, Civil society, Environment/Fight against climate change, Granting and Sub-granting
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
valore progetto
alunni della scuola primaria
Engaging young rural European citizens in a gender responsive approach to soil protection
The ‘Rural voices’ project, involving 12 organizations across 14 European countries, operates in rural communities by experimenting with a new learning-centered approach for non-formal education in rural areas. It will engage 21 million young European rural citizens, locally and globally, in sustainable development efforts within their communities. PuntoSud will handle the financial support management.
Training of candidate volunteers of the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps
The European Solidarity Corps programme aims to provide young people, including those with fewer opportunities, with easily accessible opportunities for engagement in solidarity activities, while improving and validating their competences.
Civil society and human rights in Eswatini
In Eswatini we support human rights associations through the promotion of knowledge and participatory methods, thus facilitating the work of local networks and the interaction between different public and private entities operating in the African country.
Promotes circular mobility and the return of Moldovan migrants to the local labor market
The D.O.M.D.E. 2 Project promotes circular mobility and the return of Moldovan migrants to the local labour market, valorising acquired skills. It involves the Diaspora in Italy and is based on the Italy-Moldova cooperation, in line with European objectives. PuntoSud is in charge of contributing to the capacity-building of the National Commission for Social Entrepreneurship.
The D.O.M.D.E. 2 Project intends to promote, with the direct involvement of the Diaspora in Italy, circular mobility schemes and the productive re-entry of Moldovan migrants into the local labour market through the development of the social economy in the country of origin, enhancing the professional skills acquired in the migration process.
The Project is part of the bilateral cooperation between Italy and the Republic of Moldova in the field of migration and labour and is in line with the objectives of the EU-Moldova Mobility Partnership (2008), with the commitments undertaken in the framework of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement (2014), with the approach described in the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum (2020) and with the European Action Plan on Social Economy (COM (2021) 778).
Project leader is the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies – Directorate General for Immigration and Integration Policies and partners in Italy: Sviluppo Lavoro Italia and Agenzia Veneto Lavoro (AVL), in the Republic of Moldova: the Bureau for Relations with the Diaspora (BRD) and the Organisation for the Development of Enterprises (ODA).
The overall objective of the initiative is to improve opportunities for sustainable circular migration between Italy, the EU and Moldova, directly involving central and local authorities and stakeholders, promoting investments in social entrepreneurship by the Moldovan Diaspora.
Our activities:
In the framework of the objective to improve the skills and capacities of public and private stakeholders at national and local level, PuntoSud is in charge of outlining and implementing an action to strengthen the National Commission for Social Entrepreneurship of Moldova.
European Union – AMIF programme, through the Migration Partnership Facility
- 15 members of the Commission for the Social Entrepreneurship of the government of Moldova
EUR 1.320.413.23
2022 – 2025
Capacity building and professional training, Support for entrepreneurship/Microcredit/Microfinance
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
valore progetto
alunni della scuola primaria
Engaging young rural European citizens in a gender responsive approach to soil protection
The ‘Rural voices’ project, involving 12 organizations across 14 European countries, operates in rural communities by experimenting with a new learning-centered approach for non-formal education in rural areas. It will engage 21 million young European rural citizens, locally and globally, in sustainable development efforts within their communities. PuntoSud will handle the financial support management.
Training of candidate volunteers of the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps
The European Solidarity Corps programme aims to provide young people, including those with fewer opportunities, with easily accessible opportunities for engagement in solidarity activities, while improving and validating their competences.
Civil society and human rights in Eswatini
In Eswatini we support human rights associations through the promotion of knowledge and participatory methods, thus facilitating the work of local networks and the interaction between different public and private entities operating in the African country.
Foundations for Africa – Burkina Faso
Foundations for Africa Burkina Faso, supported by 28 Italian bank foundations and in cooperation with 7 NGOs, was launched in 2014 to improve the living conditions of the rural population, focusing in particular on food security and economic development and on the involvement of the Burkinabé diaspora in Italy in territorial cooperation activities with their country of origin.
Foundations for Africa Burkina Faso is an initiative supported by 28 Italian banking foundations, coordinated by ACRI, and launched in 2014 with initiatives both in Italy and in Burkina Faso. Thanks to the involvement of 7 Italian NGOs, the initiative focused on 7 regions of the country with the overall objective of contributing to the full achievement of the right to adequate food, improving the living conditions of the rural Burkinabé population and supporting the country’s poverty strategy paper.
In particular, the initiative aimed to promote:
- The socio-economic sustainability of 5 agricultural and 2 forestry sectors and the capacity building of family farmers and their associations;
- The role that the Burkinabé diaspora can play in Italy in transnational development initiatives between Italy and Burkina Faso;
- The action of networks that are active and include decentralised cooperation initiatives in Italy and Burkina Faso through exchange, the dissemination of innovative methodologies and the joint allocation of resources to finance actions related to the initiative.
Despite the political challenges, the programme has adapted over its three years to maximise its impact and learn from the outcomes for future projects. The partnership between Italian banking foundations and local NGOs reflects a collaborative and multi-sectoral approach to addressing development challenges in Burkina Faso, aiming for a lasting and inclusive impact on the communities involved.
Our activities:
Monitoring and final programme evaluation were contracted to PuntoSud to provide critical support and improve project management. These services included the development and updating of theories of change, field missions and the drafting of mid-term and final evaluations.
Burkina Faso, Italy
- Fondazione Cariplo
- Associazione di Fondazioni e di Casse di Risparmio (ACRI)
- 28 fondazioni (Fondazione Cariplo, Compagnia di San Paolo, Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lucca, Fondazione Banco di Sardegna, Fondazione Cariparma, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Alessandria, Asti, Biella, Bolzano, Bra, Calabria e Lucania, Carrara, Civitavecchia, Cuneo, Fossano, Lucca, Modena, Orvieto, Perugia, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio Salernitana, Savigliano, Spezia, Padova e Rovigo, Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna, Monte Parma, Fondazione Varrone, Istituto Banco di Napoli – Fondazione)
- 2021 – 2022
EUR 127.607
2014 – 2017
Community and rural development, Food security/Agriculture, Migrations and diaspora, Support for entrepreneurship/Microcredit/Microfinance, Sustainable development
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
valore progetto
alunni della scuola primaria
Fight against energy poverty: evaluation of the Doniamo Energia Calls
Through the evaluation of the Bandi Energia (Energy Call for Proposals), promoted by Fondazione Cariplo and Banco dell’Energia, we contribute to the development of intervention models finalised at avoiding that disadvantaged families in the Lombardy descend into structural poverty. We do this by focusing on promoting skills and territorial networks.
School and gender stereotypes: an innovative intervention model
With the Be.St. – Beyond Stereotypes project we promote the development of a systemic approach across primary schools in order to facilitate relationship building amongst children based on respect and the acknowledgement of diversity in order for future generations to become more aware of their potentials.
Med Dialogue for Rights and Equality II – Civil society facility South
The project aims to strengthen civil society in the Southern Neighbourhood countries through improved leadership skills, structured EU-CSO dialogue, and the capacities of DG NEAR and EU Delegations. The activities involve the beneficiaries in the design and implementation of different support measures to ensure sustainability.
The project– part of a new phase of the Civil Society Facility for the Southern Neighbourhood – adopts an integrated approach involving other programmes and instruments supporting civil society organisations.
In order to support an inclusive, participatory, empowered civil society and democratic space in Southern Neighbourhood countries, the project seeks to improve the skills of civil society leaders, support EU-CSO structured dialogue processes, and improve the DG NEAR HQ’s and EU Delegations’ capacities to work with civil society. A more empowered and dynamic civil society sector – along with higher levels of dialogue between EU and CSOs – will contribute to more inclusive, pluralistic, accountable and participatory democracies in the Sothern Neighbourhood countries.
The project Strategic Approach is based on the following strategic principles defined to secure achievement of the project results:
- Supporting a coherent region-wide approach towards civil society in the Southern Neighbourhood
- Implementing a Problem Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA) approach
- Creating an enabling environment for policy change
- Delivering prompt and well-organised deployment of technical expertise across multiple policy fields to support dialogues
- Promoting gender mainstreaming approaches
- Implementing an integrated and mutually reinforcing approach towards awareness-raising
- Stimulating the active engagement of the target beneficiaries.
The activities are implemented in full partnership with the target beneficiaries in the design and implementation of Technical Assistance measures (through collaborative workshops, peer networks, training-of-trainers programmes, mentoring schemes, working groups, etc.). The transfer of a range of knowledge products (e.g. studies, good practice compendiums), tools and guidelines will further ensure that the project measures are internalised, owned and shared in a way that will guarantee sustainability.
Our activities:
PuntoSud will contribute to the implementation with some selected non-key expertise
Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia
European Union (DG NEAR)
- 2021 – 2022
EUR 3.240 000
2023 – 2026
Capacity building and professional training, Civil society, Human rights and Governance/Accountability
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
valore progetto
alunni della scuola primaria
NOPLANETB: Bridging science and society to foster inclusive transition strategies
NOPLANETB is a project funded by the European Commission under the DEAR program, in which PuntoSud is the lead organization. The other EU countries involved are: Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Estonia. 210 selected small sized CSOs in these 8 countries will receive financial and capacity building support, involving local authorities, to promote science-based solutions and just transition practices and policies. Final beneficiaries of the action will be disengaged citizens, including marginalised and vulnerable groups
Capacity building and follow up services for the empowerment of the beneficiaries awarded through the call “Reazioni” promoted by Compagnia di San Paolo
As part of the “Reactions” call to action launched by the Compagnia di San Paolo, PuntoSud was contracted to accompany a capacity building and follow-up program for the empowerment of the beneficiaries of the grant and to provide them with support in the implementation and reporting of supported projects.
Zero in conduct: in-formative actions driven by young people, teachers and citizens to reduce environmental impact
Aim of the project is to provide tools and new spaces of dialogue in order to help the actors of the formal and informal field activate themselves through educational and training activities to fight climate change, after deeply understanding its mechanisms
Evaluation of DGCS-MAE Initiatives in the Health Sector in Mozambique
La valutazione è stata finalizzata all’analisi di alcuni progetti finanziati dal Governo italiano in Mozambico fra il 2006 e il 2011, a supporto dello sviluppo dei sistemi sanitari locali e delle risorse umane. La valutazione ha esaminato l‘efficienza ed efficacia dei progetti, coinvolgendo esperti settoriali per valutare l’impatto e la sostenibilità rispetto alle istituzioni locali coinvolte.
The evaluation main objective was to produce a comprehensive analysis of the following projects financed by the Italian Government in support of the health sector in Mozambique and implemented in the period 2006 – 2011:
- Sviluppo dei sistemi sanitari locali – Iniziativa di appoggio al Piano di Formazione accelerata dei tecnici sanitari nella provincia di Sofala
- Partecipazione italiana al finanziamento e alla gestione del programma settoriale del Governo Mozambicano per il settore sanitario PROSAUDE
- Sostegno allo sviluppo delle risorse umane nel settore sanitario
- Formazione di medici in Mozambico – Programma di supporto alla Facoltà di Medicina dell’Università Cattolica del Mozambico
Three of the four projects have been implemented directly by the Directorate General of Cooperation and Development of the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MAE), while one was implemented by the Italian NGO Medici con l’Africa CUAMM.
More specifically, the evaluation exercise aimed to investigate the programme efficiency and effectiveness of the four projects, taking into consideration the DAC criteria and the indications provided by the contracting agency. The appropriateness of the MAE strategy was also taken into consideration in the identification of the recommendations that were provided at the end of the evaluation exercise.
In line with the PuntoSud methodology, the evaluation exercise analysed the project logic and the deviation from the original plan (highlighting changes, and their causes), analysed stakeholder and the project management.
The evaluation exercise included a field survey conducted by three sectoral experts to assess the information collected in Italy and to identify the impact and sustainability of the projects with regard of the local institutions involved (Ministry of Health, Directorate of Health in the two target provinces of Maputo and Beira, the Catholic University of Beira – Faculty of Health Sciences, Training Centres of Maputo and Nhamatanda).
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
- 2021 – 2022
EUR 14.794.533
2012 – 2014
Basic services/Infrastructure, Capacity building and professional training, Health/Healthcare
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
valore progetto
alunni della scuola primaria
Fight against energy poverty: evaluation of the Doniamo Energia Calls
Through the evaluation of the Bandi Energia (Energy Call for Proposals), promoted by Fondazione Cariplo and Banco dell’Energia, we contribute to the development of intervention models finalised at avoiding that disadvantaged families in the Lombardy descend into structural poverty. We do this by focusing on promoting skills and territorial networks.
School and gender stereotypes: an innovative intervention model
With the Be.St. – Beyond Stereotypes project we promote the development of a systemic approach across primary schools in order to facilitate relationship building amongst children based on respect and the acknowledgement of diversity in order for future generations to become more aware of their potentials.
NOPLANETB, the “L’infastruttura” for territorial sustainability
“NOPLANETB, the “L’infastruttura” for territorial sustainability, aims to enhance the experience of NOPLANETB, one of the operational areas of PuntoSud, and outline a renewed value proposition to define and test a model of territorial sustainability capable of strengthening internal expertise and providing a new development to the entire organizational and legal framework of PuntoSud, in line with its inherent inclination toward innovation and social and environmental responsibility.”
The main objective of the project is to establish NOPLANETB as the infrastructure for territorial sustainability within a renewed organizational, policy, and legal framework of PuntoSud, aimed at consolidating its social responsibility. The validation of a renewed value proposition, focusing on programming and territorial sustainability and enriched by a prototype of action, is considered crucial for diversifying and innovating NOPLANETB’s offerings and its rebranded image. Only when these two elements come together can NOPLANETB’s value proposition be recognized as innovative in the field of ecological transition by various stakeholders and shareholders (civil society organizations, for-profit businesses, public institutions, etc.), and serve as an engine for the organization.
The shared identification of objectives and expected results has allowed, together with the selected consultants (see partners), the definition of the implementation methods of the intervention, characterized by some common elements across the three actions:
- Enhancing the existing skills within the NOPLANETB (and PuntoSud) team and strengthening them through training and coaching;
- Identifying shared solutions: renewing the brand identity of NOPLANETB and enriching the offering with the development of new models for project design and territorial sustainability, which will lead to the new positioning of NOPLANETB;
- Implementing and realizing the identified solutions: using the new brand identity materials, testing the prototype of the new value proposition of NOPLANETB, the renewed organizational structure of PuntoSud, and the adoption of concrete social responsibility measures.
Fondazione Cariplo (Riprogettiamo il futuro: capacity building e formazione per il Terzo Settore)
- 13 dipendenti della Fondazione
- Almeno 300 cittadini per il progetto pilota
56.000 EUR
2023 – 2025
Capacity building and professional training, Environment/Fight against climate change
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
valore progetto
alunni della scuola primaria
Fight against energy poverty: evaluation of the Doniamo Energia Calls
Through the evaluation of the Bandi Energia (Energy Call for Proposals), promoted by Fondazione Cariplo and Banco dell’Energia, we contribute to the development of intervention models finalised at avoiding that disadvantaged families in the Lombardy descend into structural poverty. We do this by focusing on promoting skills and territorial networks.
School and gender stereotypes: an innovative intervention model
With the Be.St. – Beyond Stereotypes project we promote the development of a systemic approach across primary schools in order to facilitate relationship building amongst children based on respect and the acknowledgement of diversity in order for future generations to become more aware of their potentials.
Empowering Urban Youth For Climate Action
FoodWave is a European project involving 16 countries and a network of 28 partners. FoodWave aims to create a new alliance between institutions, civil society and young people for an inclusive and sustainable future for cities, focusing on the importance of sustainable food systems at the urban level and the adoption of responsible practices and lifestyles by youth for climate change mitigation.
The “Food Wave” project aims to increase the knowledge, awareness and engagement of young people between the ages of 15 and 35 on sustainable food consumption and production practices for the mitigation and adaptation to climate change.
The project involves the development of activities to raise awareness and involve public opinion through: the co-creation of information materials for the implementation of information and mobilization campaigns, actions to engage young people online and offline, training courses aimed at young activists, activities aimed at young people from peripheral urban neighbourhoods, micro-financing for small youth associations and organisations, development of online and offline discussion platforms, youth exchanges between the northern and southern countries of the world, creation of food influencer networks , a pan-European campaign across digital channels, European Union Film Festivals, high-level events, collaboration with existing youth participation initiatives and visual art competitions.
Young people from 16 different European nations pledge to change their food consumption habits and actively promote the shift towards urban food systems that are ecological and inclusive, recognizing the effort of the European Union in mitigating the change climate and contributing to it.
Our Activities
The final independent external evaluation of the FoodWave initiative is aimed at analysing the quantity and quality of results to support the project evaluation to be carried out by the European Commission. The analysis focuses on the progress of the activities and the level of achievement of the expected results, without neglecting the description of obstacles and possible mitigation and adaptation measures, so as to provide the commissioning body and the partners of the initiative, suggestions aimed at improving the implementation of the project, considering also some management aspects. A work plan is implemented that focuses on the participation of the stakeholders involved by stimulating useful reflection for the development of possible future designs. The evaluation exercise is designed following the “theory-based” approach, integrating the critical reconstruction of the plan with some insights aimed at enriching the understanding of the most relevant practices that emerged; the proposed method follows the DAC evaluation criteria to which is added, given the specificity of the project, the criterion of “European added value.”
To carry out the evaluation activities, in addition to document analysis, information is collected through the following survey methods:
- Semi-structured interviews, in order to gather opinions, perceptions, information and data from partner organizations’ contact persons and key stakeholders, supplemented if necessary by group seminars/discussions in order to enhance group dynamics and related contributions;
- On-line questionnaires in order to involve the widest possible number of stakeholders to gather qualitative elements;
- Group seminars/discussions to gather “broad” and qualitative evaluative elements;
- Visits to some project countries and participation in project-sponsored events.
Belgium, Brasil, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom
Autorità locali:
- City of Milan (Italy)
- City of Turin (Italy)
- City of Madrid (Spain)
- City of Murcia (Spain)
- City of Malmö (Sweden)
- City of Almere (Netherlands)
- City of Bruges (Belgium)
- Municipality of Molenbeek (Belgium)
- City of Warsaw (Poland)
- City of Zagreb (Croatia)
- Pest County (Hungary)
- City of Sofia (Bulgaria)
- Metropolitan Agency of Brazov (Romania)
- Municipality of Nea Smyrni (Greece)
- Greater London Authority (UK)
- City of Sao Paulo (Brasil)
Organizzazioni della società civile:
- Action Aid Italia (Italy)
- Mani Tese (Italy)
- Fondazione Acra (Italy)
- ALDA (Belgium)
- Erasmus Student Network (Belgium)
- Fundación Alianza por los Derechos, la Igualdad y la Solidaridad Internacional (Spain)
- CLLD Network of Lisbon (Portugal)
- Action Aid Hellas (Greece)
- Risteco (France)
- Biennale des Jeunes Créateurs d’Europe et de la Méditerranée (Belgium)
- Wcycle Institute of Maribor (Slovenia)
- Manchester Climate Agency (UK)
European Commission – Dear Programme DEAR
- Up to 5.000 youth increase their knowledge of sustainable food systems and practices
- Up to 18 facilitators/trainers increased knowledge on the common methodologies and approaches
- Up to 690 youth improved knowledge and capacity in the promotion of practices for sustainable food system in Summer/Winter Schools
- Up to 2 young European aspiring artists have the opportunity to gain further education through a dedicated scholarship; up to 15 artists and arts students have the opportunity to display their works in a dedicated exhibition in Turin and; up to 35 youth can display their works in their own cities, through 7 local arts contests
- Up to 42 small CSOs, youth organisations and LAs benefit from a sub-granting schemes
- Up to 15 million youth are reached by the communication campaign, fostering the adoption and the promotion of sustainable food consumption behaviours, increasing awareness of the effect of climate change at the global level and contributing to the actions implemented by the EU and its members states on adaptation and mitigation;
- Up to 3.000 youth are actively engaged in the project activities, impacting positively on their peers, families and communities and fostering activism and networking
7.771.040,00 EUR
2019 – 2023
Advocacy/Awareness raising/Comunication, Capacity building and professional training, Civil society, Environment/Fight against climate change, Food security/Agriculture, Granting and Sub-granting, Sustainable development
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
valore progetto
alunni della scuola primaria
Fight against energy poverty: evaluation of the Doniamo Energia Calls
Through the evaluation of the Bandi Energia (Energy Call for Proposals), promoted by Fondazione Cariplo and Banco dell’Energia, we contribute to the development of intervention models finalised at avoiding that disadvantaged families in the Lombardy descend into structural poverty. We do this by focusing on promoting skills and territorial networks.
School and gender stereotypes: an innovative intervention model
With the Be.St. – Beyond Stereotypes project we promote the development of a systemic approach across primary schools in order to facilitate relationship building amongst children based on respect and the acknowledgement of diversity in order for future generations to become more aware of their potentials.
MILE – Migrants Integration in the Labour market in Europe
Il progetto MILE si è posto come suo principale obiettivo lo sviluppo, attuazione e integrazione di un modello efficace di servizi tra di loro interconnessi, per l’integrazione lavorativa dei cittadini provenienti da paesi terzi (TCNS – Third-Country Nationals) basato sulla mobilitazione degli attori e il rispetto delle esigenze culturali, sociali ed economiche dei migranti, per promuovere una modello d’integrazione più sostenibile nel tempo.
Main activities:
- To promote a critical reconstruction of the intervention in its first phase aimed at the preparation of the project monitoring plan;
- To elaborate a specific study on the mid-term intervention model
- To present an analysis of the results achieved at the end of the project, highlighting deviations from the plan, external conditions that have unfavorably / favorably affected the implementation, the strategies put in place by project’s partners to overcome the difficulties emerged, good practices, to suggest proposals for improvements and for the possible development of other line of post-intervention work.
The work was conducted through the documentary study of the reports, the main monitoring tools and deliverables produced and of the data collected within the partnership. The collected data were triangulated and further deepened by interviews with all the main partners of consortium, evaluated as particularly interesting for the purpose of analysis (online and in presence interviews).
Austria, Greece, Italy, Spain
- 120 TCNs (including 20 refugees) trained and supported through the MILE model (ad-hoc training, tutoring, work experience and post-placement support)
- 400 TCNs that benefit of the improved and strengthened training, employment and job guidance services
- 60 stakeholders from EU whose skills, methodologies and tools for the integration of TCNs in the labour market are strengthened
- Actors and stakeholders from further 6 EU countries reached through the dissemination and mainstreaming phase
2018 – 2021
Advocacy/Awareness raising/Comunication, Capacity building and professional training, Civil society, Human rights and Governance/Accountability, Migrations and diaspora
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
valore progetto
alunni della scuola primaria
Engaging young rural European citizens in a gender responsive approach to soil protection
The ‘Rural voices’ project, involving 12 organizations across 14 European countries, operates in rural communities by experimenting with a new learning-centered approach for non-formal education in rural areas. It will engage 21 million young European rural citizens, locally and globally, in sustainable development efforts within their communities. PuntoSud will handle the financial support management.
Training of candidate volunteers of the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps
The European Solidarity Corps programme aims to provide young people, including those with fewer opportunities, with easily accessible opportunities for engagement in solidarity activities, while improving and validating their competences.
Civil society and human rights in Eswatini
In Eswatini we support human rights associations through the promotion of knowledge and participatory methods, thus facilitating the work of local networks and the interaction between different public and private entities operating in the African country.
Monitoring and evaluation of the projects funded within the call for proposal “Country Programs” in India, Sri Lanka and Ecuador
The Country Programme in India, Sri Lanka and Ecuador was an initiative financed by Fondazione Cariplo and Fondazione Peppino Vismara. The programme aimed at promoting country-projects through local and transnational development actions. Within this framework, the monitoring and evaluation task was assigned to Fondazione PuntoSud, for the entire duration of the initiative (3 years).
Three projects were financed and implemented by the Italian NGOs FEM (to manage the action in India), ICEI (to manage the action in Sri Lanka) and ACRA (to manage the action in Ecuador).
The evaluation system was put in place to accompany the progresses, follow up the results achieved and to formulate appropriate guidance and elaborate lesson learnt targeting both implementers and donor agencies.
The three projects were similar in size and approach. All of them included an economic development dimension and the promotion of transitional link between the country of implementation and the respective community of migrants in Italy. Nevertheless, the three projects also presented important differences in term of sectors and method of implementation, pushing for the definition of a common evaluation framework and ad hoc, tailored, investigations.
- In Ecuador the project “rimesse per lo sviluppo” (remittance for development, implemented by the Italian NGO ACRA) aimed at contributing to the economic and social growth of the Ecuadorian population through a better channelling of remittances toward development of small water and sanitation actions.
- In India, the NGO FEM, was responsible for the project “Modelli microimprenditoriali e servizi per lo sviluppo socio-economico dei working poor” (microentrepreneurial models and service for the socio-economic development of the working poor) , intended to improve the living conditions of the working poor in India, through the development of micro-finance networks, innovative models of micro-entrepreneurial activities the link between the Punjab’s communities and migrant communities in Italy.
- The project “Creazione di micro e piccole imprese multisettoriali in Sri Lanka” (Creation of micro and mall multisectoral enterprises in Sri Lanka) implemented by the Italian NGO ICEI”, was finally aimed to support a culture of dialogue and integration in Italy between the Italian and Sri Lankan citizens, activating micro and small enterprises in Sri Lanka in the agriculture, livestock and sustainable tourism sectors.
- The M&E exercise implied the elaboration of a common monitoring and reporting system able to detect systematically the progress of project activities and produce the necessary information for periodic and overall assessment of the projects.
- A critical support to the implementation process – to highlight and communicate to the donor agencies – was also ensured through constant feedbacks and follow up or recommendations.
- Nine evaluation full reports were developed on the basis of studies conducted on the field by teams composed by PuntoSud staff and experts.
- In addition, quarterly reports (18 in totals) were produced, containing a narrative and a financial section, to state the degree of progress of the three projects.
A special focus, finally, was given to investigate the co-development dimension of the program, more specifically to assess the degree to which the projects did succeed in valorise the role of migrants and their associations in supporting transnational development initiatives.
Ecuador, India, Sri Lanka
Fondazione Cariplo
- 2.700 Groups and families in target countries
- 1.700 Enterprises, small economic activities
- 2.300 Migrants in Italy
- 45.000 Indirect beneficiaries (target communities)
1.814.355 EUR
2010 – 2014
Basic services/Infrastructure, Capacity building and professional training, Community and rural development, Migrations and diaspora, Support for entrepreneurship/Microcredit/Microfinance, WASH/Water
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
valore progetto
alunni della scuola primaria
Fight against energy poverty: evaluation of the Doniamo Energia Calls
Through the evaluation of the Bandi Energia (Energy Call for Proposals), promoted by Fondazione Cariplo and Banco dell’Energia, we contribute to the development of intervention models finalised at avoiding that disadvantaged families in the Lombardy descend into structural poverty. We do this by focusing on promoting skills and territorial networks.
School and gender stereotypes: an innovative intervention model
With the Be.St. – Beyond Stereotypes project we promote the development of a systemic approach across primary schools in order to facilitate relationship building amongst children based on respect and the acknowledgement of diversity in order for future generations to become more aware of their potentials.
Inclusion and claiming the rights of people with disabilities
The PODER project aims to create and promote a path of employment inclusion, defense of the right to education and claiming the rights of people with disabilities in 4 municipalities in El Salvador
The statement “nothing about us without us” is the essential starting point of the project “PODER: program for occupational inclusion, the defense of the rights to education and the claim of the rights of people with disabilities”.
The project action, lasting 36 months, aims to strengthen and support tangible changes such as to allow people with disabilities in the target areas (Colon, Zaragoza, Santo Tomás and Santiago Texacuangos) to promote, as active subjects recognized as competent, processes of social and educational inclusion.
The proposed action develops around the idea of the centrality of people with disabilities and their organizations, whose strengthening in terms of awareness and skills (individual and collective empowerment) is considered as a fundamental precondition for achieving the established objective.
The project has three main components:
- strengthening advocacy capacities of people with disabilities and their organisations
- support for the completion of educational and professional training courses for people with disabilities
- reduction of physical access barriers to schools and other buildings of public interest by means of light infrastructural upgrading works.
El Salvador
- 500 people with disabilities and their families
- organisations of people with disabilities in the 4 municipalities involved in the project
1.798.428,72 EUR
2022 – 2025
Capacity building and professional training, Civil society, Education, Human rights and Governance/Accountability
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
2016 - 2018: Doniamo Energia 1
15 consorzi finanziati
- Lead agency: ICEI
- Ngo ProgettoMondo Mlal
- CoopCulture
- AITR (Italian Association of Responsible Tourism)
- UniMiB (University of Milan – Bicocca)
- RED TUSOCO (Red Boliviana de Turismo Solidario Comunitario)
- RED OEPAIC (Red de Organizaciones Económicas de Productores Artesanas/os Identidad Cultural)
- UNQUI- Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
5555 EURO
valore progetto
alunni della scuola primaria
Fight against energy poverty: evaluation of the Doniamo Energia Calls
Through the evaluation of the Bandi Energia (Energy Call for Proposals), promoted by Fondazione Cariplo and Banco dell’Energia, we contribute to the development of intervention models finalised at avoiding that disadvantaged families in the Lombardy descend into structural poverty. We do this by focusing on promoting skills and territorial networks.
School and gender stereotypes: an innovative intervention model
With the Be.St. – Beyond Stereotypes project we promote the development of a systemic approach across primary schools in order to facilitate relationship building amongst children based on respect and the acknowledgement of diversity in order for future generations to become more aware of their potentials.