We consider gender equality as the cornerstone of all our interventions

There is no doubt that throughout the world, albeit with important differences, there is a clear gender inequity, which sees women heavily disadvantaged from all points of view: social, economic, institutional and environmental.

Therefore, we consider gender equity a fundamental perspective guiding any of our interventions, starting with the understanding and mitigation of gender stereotypes that influence and severely limit relationships between people.

It is not simply a matter of considering  only  the female component, rather one of being careful in valuing diversity and focusing on ensuring opportunities for all when setting up new forms of collaboration.

We believe that a more equitable world will benefit  not only girls and women but also boys and men all over the world.

SDG 5: Gender equality



Critical accompaniment of the “ZeroSei” program


Refugees, IDPs and host communities in Eastern Sudan

best beyond stereotypes


School and gender stereotypes: an innovative intervention model

Europe, Italy

Strengthening of a network among cities directly facing migration flows at EU borders