Surgical and trauma health response in Sierra Leone

EMERGENCY is working in Sierra Leone since 2001 with a Surgical Centre designed for war victims, then extended to the care of orthopaedic patients and all surgical emergencies.

In order to better fulfil the gaps identified in the health sector, EMERGENCY aimed at increasing trained staff at district level in general surgery, trauma stabilization and safety referral. Shortage of qualified professional health staff and weak capacities in training institutions are identified as key challenging in the health sector in Sierra Leone.

Therefore, thanks to the EU Delegation to Sierra Leone contribution, the project ‘Strengthening surgical and trauma health response in two most affected areas by Ebola in Sierra Leone: Port Loko and Western Area’ started in 2015 with the overall objective to contribute to the surgical and trauma health response in affected Ebola areas: Port Loko district (Lokomasama), Kissy (Waterloo Refuge Camp) and Goderich.

For this reason the activities implemented aimed at increasing access to surgical – trauma services in Port Loko, Kissy and Goderich and at guarantee capacity building for national medical staff and CHWs.

In fact, a core point of the intervention is strong inclusive factor together with a double approach: addressing the immediate needs, while keeping considering longer term needs and issues a joint emergency and development approach.

Our main activities

Finalisation of the objective of the research

  • Preliminary contact with EMERGENCY staff in charge of project management;
  • Analysis of all available documentation on the project and the actors concerned; analysis of existing strategic materials; analysis of the action alignment to the EU principles and strategic priorities;
  • Preliminary identification of the relevant stakeholders/key informants in the projects;
  • Action appraisals and elaboration of theory of change (includes Project problem and logframe analysis);
  • Finalisation of field inquiry (finalisation of assessment matrix, deviation from plan matrix and other tools), collecting materials and workplan.
  • Field Inquiry: data collection and analysisDeviations from plan analysis, Stakeholder analysis (limited to the identification of main links among all the organisations involved and their capacity to expand benefits and optimise resources) ;
  • Collection of information and opinion (perception) regarding stakeholders, key informants, project national staff, beneficiaries; collecting information regarding communication/dissemination materials;

Elaboration of data debriefing and report preparation

  • Triangulation of information and data;
  • Preliminary definition of evidences and recommendations;
  • Preparation of draft report;
  • Organisation of debriefing with EMERGENCY staff;
  • Finalisation and submission of report.


Sierra Leone



  • More than 700.000 inhabitants living in Port Loko District and Waterloo will benefit of the free of charge access to healthcare assistance
  • Communities in Lokomasama, Waterloo and surrounding areas will benefit from the awareness activities.
  • Health sector will benefit from the activities of the EMERGENCY facilities and the organization of the referral system.
  • MOHS in Sierra Leone will avail of well-trained health workers providing higher quality health care assistance.

3.175.748 EUR

2015 – 2018


Capacity building and professional training, Health/Healthcare

4 Quality Education SDGs Reduced Inequalities


15 consorzi finanziati

5555 EURO

15 consorzi finanziati

5555 EURO

15 consorzi finanziati

5555 EURO

  • €100.000

    valore progetto

  • 125

    alunni della scuola primaria

  • 250


  • 20



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