Archive for: Romania

SUBLIME – SDGs Unite Border communities as Leaders of Inclusiveness, Mobilisation and Empowerment

SUBLIME – SDGs Unite Border communities as Leaders of Inclusiveness, Mobilisation and Empowerment

SUBLIME aims to support local authorities in raising awareness about global interdependencies, gender equality, and sustainability in EU border towns and islands. It focuses on empowering citizens, promoting climate actions, and fostering gender equality. The project builds on past initiatives and partnerships to enhance SDG-focused policy-making and inclusive societies.

In the past 15 years, municipalities have gained significance in promoting sustainable development by prioritizing the common good and embracing their role in the global agenda. Local Authorities (LAs) are vital in addressing global challenges, aligning strategies with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and collaborating with civil society organizations (CSOs) for comprehensive sustainable development encompassing economic, social, and environmental dimensions. However, border towns and islands confront unique sustainability issues such as irregular migration flows, lacking recognition, support, and coordination within states and among each other. Similarly, smaller municipalities encounter challenges in networking, prompt action, and citizen engagement.

To address these issues, SUBLIME aims to assist LAs as non-formal Development Education and Awareness Raising (DEAR) actors, enhancing community understanding of global interdependencies including gender equality, environmental sustainability, and global warming. The project seeks to foster inclusive EU border towns and islands, promoting interconnected societies with a sense of co-responsibility for local and global sustainable development. Its objectives include empowering LAs to advocate sustainable lifestyles, climate actions, and gender equality, and encouraging citizen participation in tackling sustainable development challenges.

SUBLIME draws from past initiatives like “Snapshots from the Borders” and the Border Towns and Islands Network (BTIN), emphasizing the collaboration between LAs and CSOs. Partnerships with other organizations further strengthen the project’s impact.

Ultimately, SUBLIME aims to engage citizens in global sustainable development, fostering inclusive societies and empowering border communities to address global challenges effectively

Our activities:

Within the SUBLIME strategy, PuntoSud is in charge of the outline and design of the financial support to third parties mechanisms.


Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovenia


The partnership involves 11 local authorities and 14 CSOs in 11 countries

  • Italy: Comune di Lampedusa e Linosa, AMREF, Fondazione Punto.Sud, Lai-Momo Societa Cooperativa”
  • Malta: Kunsill Lokali Msida, Koperazzjoni Internazzjonali – Malta (Kopin)
  • Austria: Strass in Steiermark “Sudwind Verein Fur Entwicklungspolitik Und Globale Gerechtigkeit”
  • Bulgaria: Burgas Municipality, Chance for the Children and the Nature of Bulgaria Foundation
  • Cyprus: Nicosia Development Agency, “HFC “”HOPE FOR CHILDREN”” CRC POLICY CENTER”
  • Greece: Municipality Of West Lesvos, Impact Hub Labs
  • France: Grandesynthe
  • Hungary: Kisharsány Községi Önkormányzat, Cromo Alapítvány
  • Slovenia: “Zavod za izobraževanje in kulturo Črnomelj”,”Iscomet-Institut Za Etnicne In Regionalne Studije Zavod”
  • Romania: Tulcea PMT, Novapolis Association – Center Of Analysis And Initiatives For Development
  • Poland: The City of Suwałki, Fundacja Pomocy Wzajemnej Barka
  • EU Level: “ICLEI EUROPEAN SECRETARIAT GMBH; Impact Hub Association

European Union – DEAR Programme


  • 210 EU local authority (LA) representatives in the partner countries, including mayors, councillors and administrative staff
  • 30 LA representatives in the EU neighbourhood countries Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova and Tunisia
  • 150 policy-makers at national and European levels
  • 550 teachers and educators
  • 110 citizens promoting win-win actions inspired by social & sustainable business models
  • 15,000 youth aged 15 to 30, 2,200 citizens who are not sensitive to and involved in sustainable development and global challenges, and 1,100 marginalised community members.

EUR 5.965.174

2024 – 2028


Advocacy/Awareness raising/Comunication, Civil society, Environment/Fight against climate change, Granting and Sub-granting

SDGs Reduced Inequalities SDGs Sustainable cities and communities SDGs Climate Action


15 consorzi finanziati

5555 EURO

15 consorzi finanziati

5555 EURO

15 consorzi finanziati

5555 EURO

  • €100.000

    valore progetto

  • 125

    alunni della scuola primaria

  • 250


  • 20



Engaging young rural European citizens in a gender responsive approach to soil protection

The ‘Rural voices’ project, involving 12 organizations across 14 European countries, operates in rural communities by experimenting with a new learning-centered approach for non-formal education in rural areas. It will engage 21 million young European rural citizens, locally and globally, in sustainable development efforts within their communities. PuntoSud will handle the financial support management.

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Training of candidate volunteers of the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps

The European Solidarity Corps programme aims to provide young people, including those with fewer opportunities, with easily accessible opportunities for engagement in solidarity activities, while improving and validating their competences.

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Civil society and human rights in Eswatini

In Eswatini we support human rights associations through the promotion of knowledge and participatory methods, thus facilitating the work of local networks and the interaction between different public and private entities operating in the African country.

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Empowering Urban Youth For Climate Action

Empowering Urban Youth For Climate Action

FoodWave is a European project involving 16 countries and a network of 28 partners. FoodWave aims to create a new alliance between institutions, civil society and young people for an inclusive and sustainable future for cities, focusing on the importance of sustainable food systems at the urban level and the adoption of responsible practices and lifestyles by youth for climate change mitigation.

The “Food Wave” project aims to increase the knowledge, awareness and engagement of young people between the ages of 15 and 35 on sustainable food consumption and production practices for the mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

The project involves the development of activities to raise awareness and involve public opinion through: the co-creation of information materials for the implementation of information and mobilization campaigns, actions to engage young people online and offline, training courses aimed at young activists, activities aimed at young people from peripheral urban neighbourhoods, micro-financing for small youth associations and organisations, development of online and offline discussion platforms, youth exchanges between the northern and southern countries of the world, creation of food influencer networks , a pan-European campaign across digital channels, European Union Film Festivals, high-level events, collaboration with existing youth participation initiatives and visual art competitions.

Young people from 16 different European nations pledge to change their food consumption habits and actively promote the shift towards urban food systems that are ecological and inclusive, recognizing the effort of the European Union in mitigating the change climate and contributing to it.

Our Activities

The final independent external evaluation of the FoodWave initiative is aimed at analysing the quantity and quality of results to support the project evaluation to be carried out by the European Commission. The analysis focuses on the progress of the activities and the level of achievement of the expected results, without neglecting the description of obstacles and possible mitigation and adaptation measures, so as to provide the commissioning body and the partners of the initiative, suggestions aimed at improving the implementation of the project, considering also some management aspects. A work plan is implemented that focuses on the participation of the stakeholders involved by stimulating useful reflection for the development of possible future designs. The evaluation exercise is designed following the “theory-based” approach, integrating the critical reconstruction of the plan with some insights aimed at enriching the understanding of the most relevant practices that emerged; the proposed method follows the DAC evaluation criteria to which is added, given the specificity of the project, the criterion of “European added value.”

To carry out the evaluation activities, in addition to document analysis, information is collected through the following survey methods:

  • Semi-structured interviews, in order to gather opinions, perceptions, information and data from partner organizations’ contact persons and key stakeholders, supplemented if necessary by group seminars/discussions in order to enhance group dynamics and related contributions;
  • On-line questionnaires in order to involve the widest possible number of stakeholders to gather qualitative elements;
  • Group seminars/discussions to gather “broad” and qualitative evaluative elements;
  • Visits to some project countries and participation in project-sponsored events.


Belgium, Brasil, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom



  • Up to 5.000 youth increase their knowledge of sustainable food systems and practices
  • Up to 18 facilitators/trainers increased knowledge on the common methodologies and approaches
  • Up to 690 youth improved knowledge and capacity in the promotion of practices for sustainable food system in Summer/Winter Schools
  • Up to 2 young European aspiring artists have the opportunity to gain further education through a dedicated scholarship; up to 15 artists and arts students have the opportunity to display their works in a dedicated exhibition in Turin and; up to 35 youth can display their works in their own cities, through 7 local arts contests
  • Up to 42 small CSOs, youth organisations and LAs benefit from a sub-granting schemes
  • Up to 15 million youth are reached by the communication campaign, fostering the adoption and the promotion of sustainable food consumption behaviours, increasing awareness of the effect of climate change at the global level and contributing to the actions implemented by the EU and its members states on adaptation and mitigation;
  • Up to 3.000 youth are actively engaged in the project activities, impacting positively on their peers, families and communities and fostering activism and networking

7.771.040,00 EUR

2019 – 2023


Advocacy/Awareness raising/Comunication, Capacity building and professional training, Civil society, Environment/Fight against climate change, Food security/Agriculture, Granting and Sub-granting, Sustainable development

  4 Quality Education SDGs Reduced Inequalities 


15 consorzi finanziati

5555 EURO

15 consorzi finanziati

5555 EURO

15 consorzi finanziati

5555 EURO

  • €100.000

    valore progetto

  • 125

    alunni della scuola primaria

  • 250


  • 20



Fight against energy poverty: evaluation of the Doniamo Energia Calls

Through the evaluation of the Bandi Energia (Energy Call for Proposals), promoted by Fondazione Cariplo and Banco dell’Energia, we contribute to the development of intervention models finalised at avoiding that disadvantaged families in the Lombardy descend into structural poverty. We do this by focusing on promoting skills and territorial networks.

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best beyond stereotypes

School and gender stereotypes: an innovative intervention model

With the Be.St. – Beyond Stereotypes project we promote the development of a systemic approach across primary schools in order to facilitate relationship building amongst children based on respect and the acknowledgement of diversity in order for future generations to become more aware of their potentials.

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Mindchangers: Regions and youth for Planet and People

Mindchangers: Regions and youth for Planet and People

MINDCHANGERS is a European project involving institutions and associations from 6 European regions to discuss Agenda 2030, climate change and migration. Through calls for projects implemented by Local Authorities and CSOs and an innovative pan-European campaign, young people are involved through active citizenship actions and their engagement on global challenges and core values is strengthened.

Independent external evaluation – in itinere and final – of the MINDCHANGERS initiative aimed at analysing the quantity and quality of results, in order to facilitate the implementation of the project and support the evaluation of activities and results to be carried out by the European Commission.

The analysis requested focuses on the progress of the activities and the level of achievement of the expected results, without neglecting the description of obstacles and of the mitigation and adaptation measures adopted, in order to provide the commissioning body (and the partners of the initiative) with suggestions aimed at improving the implementation of the project and the possible elaboration of future projects.

For the realisation of the evaluation activities, in addition to the documentary analysis, information is collected through the following survey methods:

  • Semi-structured interviews, in order to collect opinions, perceptions, information and data from the contact persons of the partner organisations and the main stakeholders (and/or key informants), supplemented if necessary by seminars/group discussions with the same stakeholders, in order to be able to enhance group dynamics and their contributions.
  • On-line questionnaires, in order to involve as many stakeholders as possible to gather qualitative elements;
  • Seminars/group discussions to gather ‘broad’ and qualitative evaluation elements (e.g. lessons learnt, impacts and sustainability of the initiative, spheres of influence and case studies etc.).


Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Romania, Spain



  • 300,000 young people (15-35 years old, of which 10,000 young people actively engaged
  • 500 workers from local authorities and social organisations
  • 3 million EU citizens informed about the promoted activities, of which about 700,000 are aged 15-35

8.306.442,1 EUR

2020 – 2024


Advocacy/Awareness raising/Comunication, Capacity building and professional training, Civil society, Granting and Sub-granting

SDGs Climate Action


15 consorzi finanziati

5555 EURO

15 consorzi finanziati

5555 EURO

15 consorzi finanziati

5555 EURO

  • €100.000

    valore progetto

  • 125

    alunni della scuola primaria

  • 250


  • 20



NOPLANETB: Bridging science and society to foster inclusive transition strategies

NOPLANETB is a project funded by the European Commission under the DEAR program, in which PuntoSud is the lead organization. The other EU countries involved are: Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Estonia. 210 selected small sized CSOs in these 8 countries will receive financial and capacity building support, involving local authorities, to promote science-based solutions and just transition practices and policies. Final beneficiaries of the action will be disengaged citizens, including marginalised and vulnerable groups

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Capacity building and follow up services for the empowerment of the beneficiaries awarded through the call “Reazioni” promoted by Compagnia di San Paolo

As part of the “Reactions” call to action launched by the Compagnia di San Paolo, PuntoSud was contracted to accompany a capacity building and follow-up program for the empowerment of the beneficiaries of the grant and to provide them with support in the implementation and reporting of supported projects.

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Zero in conduct: in-formative actions driven by young people, teachers and citizens to reduce environmental impact

Aim of the project is to provide tools and new spaces of dialogue in order to help the actors of the formal and informal field activate themselves through educational and training activities to fight climate change, after deeply understanding its mechanisms

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Training and helpdesk support services to the CSO/LA working with EuropeAid funds

Helpdesk Platform and Support to NSA/LA in Development Sector

Over a period of two years, the project sought to improve access to information, methods and best practices on EuropeAid grant contractual obligations to Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in NMS, thereby helping them to strengthen and broaden their international cooperation capacity.

In January 2009, the European Commission – DG EuropeAid funded-project entitled Helpdesk platform and support to New Member State (NMS) Non State Actors/Local Authorities in the Development Sector was launched by PuntoSud together with its four implementing partners (FoRS – Czech Forum for Development Co-operation from Czech Republic, AID 24 – Hungarian Baptist Aid from Hungary, Apel Service from Romania and People in Peril Association from Slovakia) and two Associates (Caritas Polska from Poland and Support to Life from Turkey).

Over a period of two years, the project sought to improve access to information, methods and best practices on EuropeAid grant contractual obligations to Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in NMS, thereby helping them to strengthen and broaden their international cooperation capacity. At the core of this effort were three main activities, or tools: a helpdesk, a website and a series of training sessions. These tools could provide needed support for organizations in Eastern Europe, as well as in other countries, working with DG EuropeAid.

Indeed, a preliminary needs analysis carried out by PuntoSud revealed that organizations throughout the EU – including, but not limited to, NMS – need assistance in planning and managing EC, and more specifically, EuropeAid projects.

In an attempt to address the needs and tackle the difficulties facing organizations throughout the EU, with a focus on NMS, the project designed the three tools for support and capacity building mentioned above. These tools are meant to be complementary and act as synergetic elements of a broader effort, as expressed in the specific objective: “Access to information, methods and best practices on AIDCO programmes contractual obligations guaranteed to New Member States NSA/AL wishing to strengthen and enlarge their cooperation.”

Each of the tools contributes to the project’s objective in its own way, providing for the different needs of users. The helpdesk offers day-to-day support to all organizations working with EuropeAid, both at headquarters and field level, by replying to queries on administrative, legal, financial and procedural aspects of preparing and managing EuropeAid-financed actions.
Secondly, the website contains information on upcoming trainings, downloadable documents, access to the manual “Il Trenino” and information related to all stages of the project cycle. Lastly, the training sessions are aimed at capacity building mainly in NMS, with a focus on EuropeAid funding modalities and project management.

Project main results
Two components formed the project development plan.
The first and main component included the establishment of the Helpdesk-platform and the running of the networking activities. Its main outcomes can be summarised as follows:

  • A dedicated helpdesk website devoted to facilitate the planning and management of AIDCO projects established for the entire life time of the project and after.
  • An helpdesk service created to support NMS organisations/platforms with a working team daily available to answer to questions, requests for models or advice to better deal with the design/management of EC funded development projects.
  • A comprehensive manual on administrative and contractual obligations of EC funded development projects (the Trenino– last updating September 2011) produced and shared among all interested organisations, decreasing the risk of misunderstanding of rules and procedures.

The second component guaranteed a specific capacity building action envisaged for the staff of NMS organisations. Its outcomes are the following:

  • 9 training sessions delivered in partners countries and in Italy;
  • 12 specific projects run by NMS organisations screened, supported and monitored (hands-on);
  • Helpdesk platform and networking.

Main project activities
Component – Helpdesk

  • Design, preparation and tool development for the website specialised in AIDCO-programme support;
  • Establishment of a permanent PuntoSud team for delivering the day to day support to target organisations;
  • Preparation and distribution of the “Trenino” guidelines for AIDCO programmes;
  • Launch and promotion of the website & helpdesk services.

Component – Capacity building

  • Organisation and delivery of 9 training/workshops for NMS organisations;
  • Hands-on delivery to 12 projects submitted/implemented/concluded by NMS organisations.


Hungary, Italy, Romania, Slovakia, Turkey

European Commission – DG EuropeAid


  • NSA/LA from NMS

386.045 EUR

2009 – 2011


Capacity building and professional training, Civil society

4 Quality Education


15 consorzi finanziati

5555 EURO

15 consorzi finanziati

5555 EURO

15 consorzi finanziati

5555 EURO

  • €100.000

    valore progetto

  • 125

    alunni della scuola primaria

  • 250


  • 20



Engaging young rural European citizens in a gender responsive approach to soil protection

The ‘Rural voices’ project, involving 12 organizations across 14 European countries, operates in rural communities by experimenting with a new learning-centered approach for non-formal education in rural areas. It will engage 21 million young European rural citizens, locally and globally, in sustainable development efforts within their communities. PuntoSud will handle the financial support management.

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Training of candidate volunteers of the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps

The European Solidarity Corps programme aims to provide young people, including those with fewer opportunities, with easily accessible opportunities for engagement in solidarity activities, while improving and validating their competences.

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Civil society and human rights in Eswatini

In Eswatini we support human rights associations through the promotion of knowledge and participatory methods, thus facilitating the work of local networks and the interaction between different public and private entities operating in the African country.

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NOPLANETB EU: small actions for big impacts on climate change

NOPLANETB – There isn’t a PLANet B! Win-win strategies and small actions for big impacts on climate change

NOPLANETB is a program designed to promote the spread of sustainable lifestyles through the financial support of the best communication, awareness and advocacy initiatives aimed at fighting climate change and promoted by small and medium-sized civil society organizations, which benefit from a path of capacity building to enhance their skills and consolidate and / or expand their network.

NOPLANETB is an advocacy and campaigning project, co-financed by the European Union as part of the Development Education and Awareness Raising (DEAR) Program, which aims to support and encourage the involvement, participation and commitment of citizens on the issue of environmental sustainability, in relation to global development. The project aims to create a conducive environment around the concept that “there is no PLANET B”, in which small and medium-sized civil society organizations carry out effective actions within a shared common framework, aimed at increasing the effectiveness and relevance of the intervention, favouring the creation and consolidation of networks, at national and international level.
Small and medium-sized civil society organizations represent the main target of the project, as they can play a fundamental role in promoting a change in people’s habits and behaviours to spread more sustainable lifestyles at local level. The small actions, which insist on a territory, are in fact able to produce benefits for their community and to put pressure on the higher levels of governance to institutionalize good practices and propose innovative solutions, with a bottom-up approach. Civil society organizations are therefore able to connect and liaise with the different components of civil society, in the perspective of a real transition towards more sustainable lifestyles.

The project aims at impacting on three different levels:

The third parties (around 90 CSOs) represent the direct target group of this project. The project identifies three different incentives: funds, knowledge and contacts. Therefore, the project is built around three main components:

  • Local level: civil society organizations have carried out small actions involving citizens and local communities, in collaboration with local institutions, with the aim of changing citizens and decision-makers’ behaviours;
  • National level: collaboration is activated between the civil society organizations involved and other key stakeholders within their own country;
  • At pan-European level: civil society organizations in collaboration with NOPLANETB partners have intervened at the European level with coordinated actions and with a coherent approach in the six countries of the network.

In order to produce this impact, NOPLANETB has identified three main components:

    • Financial support: a regranting model aimed at civil society organizations of the 6 European countries of the network, for the implementation of effective projects that contribute to the shared project priorities.
    • Development of skills / knowledge sharing: a path to accompany the organizations benefiting from financial support with the aim of strengthening their thematic and managerial skills during the design, development and implementation of their projects.
    • Strengthening networking opportunities: building a network that enhances social capital, identifies areas of collaboration, detects new ideas and optimizes costs. Contacts and experience sharing are key factors to create multiplier effects and maximize the impact of the proposed actions.

Our activities

    • Financial support for selected small and medium-sized civil society organizations in the six partner countries;
    • Set up of a helpdesk to support the selected CSOs in their projects’ design and management;
    • Definition and delivery of a capacity building program;
    • Creation of the communication strategy of the project, linked to the development and dissemination of its brand;
    • Organization of meetings and events, including the final conference, with the involvement of local authorities to identify possible synergies.


Germany, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Spain



  • 500.000 European citizens
  • 90 small-medium European civil society organisations
  • Local Governments

EUR 4.569.531

2017 – 2021


Advocacy/Awareness raising/Comunication, Civil society, Environment/Fight against climate change, Granting and Sub-granting, Sustainable development

SDGs Sustainable cities and communities SDGs Climate Action


  • € 4.569.531

    project budget

  • 500.000

    european citizens

  • 90



NOPLANETB: Bridging science and society to foster inclusive transition strategies

NOPLANETB is a project funded by the European Commission under the DEAR program, in which PuntoSud is the lead organization. The other EU countries involved are: Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Estonia. 210 selected small sized CSOs in these 8 countries will receive financial and capacity building support, involving local authorities, to promote science-based solutions and just transition practices and policies. Final beneficiaries of the action will be disengaged citizens, including marginalised and vulnerable groups

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Capacity building and follow up services for the empowerment of the beneficiaries awarded through the call “Reazioni” promoted by Compagnia di San Paolo

As part of the “Reactions” call to action launched by the Compagnia di San Paolo, PuntoSud was contracted to accompany a capacity building and follow-up program for the empowerment of the beneficiaries of the grant and to provide them with support in the implementation and reporting of supported projects.

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Zero in conduct: in-formative actions driven by young people, teachers and citizens to reduce environmental impact

Aim of the project is to provide tools and new spaces of dialogue in order to help the actors of the formal and informal field activate themselves through educational and training activities to fight climate change, after deeply understanding its mechanisms

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