Archive for: si

Engaging young rural European citizens in a gender responsive approach to soil protection

Engaging young rural European citizens in a gender responsive approach to soil protection

The ‘Rural voices’ project, involving 12 organizations across 14 European countries, operates in rural communities by experimenting with a new learning-centered approach for non-formal education in rural areas. It will engage 21 million young European rural citizens, locally and globally, in sustainable development efforts within their communities. PuntoSud will handle the financial support management.

The project is implemented by 12 organizations (among those 3 youth umbrella organizations, 1 association of local authorities and 1 LA) in 14 in EU countries (HU, ES, IT, SI, DE, PL, PT, BG, NL, AT, GR and in addition FR,CZ,EE via sub-grant mechanism). Main objectives of the action go into two directions: to reach less addressed rural people with a new approach of development education and to promote soil protection and its interconnection to gender equality. The action thereby directly tackles key issues of SDGs and Green Deal: Sustainable land management is critical for addressing climate change and just transition. The action contributes to the development of young rural European citizens’ critical understanding of global interdependencies and to actively engage them in sustainable development on local and global level. The specific objectives reflect this as the action firstly develops an experimental learner centred approach on non formal development education for rural areas and disseminates it. The development and implementation of the action as a conjoint effort of the consortium and engaged rural youth leads to sensitizing 21 million young inhabitants of European rural areas about the interdependencies between the global challenges of land degradation and gender inequality. With manifold capacity building and concrete engagement options the project will engage 250.000 young rural inhabitants and enhance the competences of 9.000 educational multipliers in rural areas to take action for soil protection, gender equality and women empowerment. Thereby the project will have made a concrete contribution for the integration of Global citizenship education in non formal education in rural areas in the EU

Our activities:
PuntoSud will provide a capacity building program for small and medium size CSOs, identified in some Italian internal areas. The capacity building activity is preparatory to the subsequent re-granting activities, which will allow some CSOs to put into practice the projects that have been conceived during the capacity building process. PuntoSud will organize community of practices among interested CSOs (financed CSOs and other interested CSOs).
Moreover, PuntoSud will manage financial support in three European countries non covered by project partners: France, Czech Republic, Estonia.


Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain



  • 21 million young inhabitants of European rural areas sensitized
  • 250.000 young rural inhabitants engaged
  • 9.000 educational multipliers in rural areas

5.887.203 EUR

2024 – 2027


Advocacy/Awareness raising/Comunication, Capacity building and professional training, Civil society, Community and rural development, Education, Educational poverty, Environment/Fight against climate change, Gender equality, Granting and Sub-granting, Sustainable development

4 Quality Education SDGs Gender Equality SDGs Reduced Inequalities SDGs Climate Action


15 consorzi finanziati

5555 EURO

15 consorzi finanziati

5555 EURO

15 consorzi finanziati

5555 EURO

  • €100.000

    valore progetto

  • 125

    alunni della scuola primaria

  • 250


  • 20



Training of candidate volunteers of the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps

The European Solidarity Corps programme aims to provide young people, including those with fewer opportunities, with easily accessible opportunities for engagement in solidarity activities, while improving and validating their competences.

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Civil society and human rights in Eswatini

In Eswatini we support human rights associations through the promotion of knowledge and participatory methods, thus facilitating the work of local networks and the interaction between different public and private entities operating in the African country.

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NOPLANETB: Bridging science and society to foster inclusive transition strategies

NOPLANETB: Bridging science and society to foster inclusive transition strategies

NOPLANETB is a project funded by the European Commission under the DEAR program, in which PuntoSud is the lead organization. The other EU countries involved are: Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Estonia. 210 selected small sized CSOs in these 8 countries will receive financial and capacity building support, involving local authorities, to promote science-based solutions and just transition practices and policies. Final beneficiaries of the action will be disengaged citizens, including marginalised and vulnerable groups

The overall objective is to convince a large number of citizens, especially those who are less sensitive to and less involved in global challenges, about the relevance of adopting local actions to mitigate the negative effects of the climate and ecological crises, including their impact on the social and economic spheres. Within this framework, small CSOs are deemed crucial to trigger effective win-win action models and to convey clear messages for the adoption of more sustainable practices. The specific objectives are consequently to test a considerable number of “Innovative-models” (in the area of adaptation to the climate and ecological crises), implemented by small CSOs with high informative potential in 8 EU countries, and to increase community acceptance and support of the Green Deal agenda, GAP III and SDGs (particularly 5, 11, 12 and 13). This will be achieved giving priority to youth organisations that do not have the financial, administrative and/or operational capacity to apply directly for EU funding and by promoting a series of activities aimed at increasing their capacities on different key themes.

Our activities:

  • Project coordination;
  • Set up and organisation of open in-country fora;
  • Set up of scientific committee and guidance to foster science-based small-actions;
  • Financial support for selected small and medium-sized civil society organizations in the eight partner countries;
  • Consolidation of best practices and production of evidence-based action fiches;
  • Organization of communities of practice;
  • Set up of a helpdesk to support the selected CSOs in their projects’ design and management;
  • Definition and delivery of a capacity building program;
  • Creation of the communication strategy of the project, linked to the development and dissemination of its brand;
  • Support to the cooperation with local authorities and local actors;
  • Organization of meetings and events, including the final conference.


Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain



  • 50.000 (of which 25.000 youth) citizens targeted by the small actions
  • 6.000.000 general population reached by project key messages

6.661.302 EUR

2024 – 2027


Advocacy/Awareness raising/Comunication, Capacity building and professional training, Civil society, Environment/Fight against climate change, Granting and Sub-granting, Sustainable development

SDGs Gender Equality SDGs Sustainable cities and communities  SDGs Climate Action




NOPLANETB is a program created to encourage the spread of sustainable lifestyles by financing the best communication, awareness and advocacy initiatives aimed at combating climate change and promoted by small and medium-sized organizations in society, which benefit from a process of strengthening their skills and consolidate and/or expand their network.



4.569.531 EURO

  • €100.000

    valore progetto

  • 125

    alunni della scuola primaria

  • 250


  • 20



Capacity building and follow up services for the empowerment of the beneficiaries awarded through the call “Reazioni” promoted by Compagnia di San Paolo

As part of the “Reactions” call to action launched by the Compagnia di San Paolo, PuntoSud was contracted to accompany a capacity building and follow-up program for the empowerment of the beneficiaries of the grant and to provide them with support in the implementation and reporting of supported projects.

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Zero in conduct: in-formative actions driven by young people, teachers and citizens to reduce environmental impact

Aim of the project is to provide tools and new spaces of dialogue in order to help the actors of the formal and informal field activate themselves through educational and training activities to fight climate change, after deeply understanding its mechanisms

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NOPLANETB HUB: co-programming against climate change

NOPLANETB is the first Italian HUB that aims to promote the spread of sustainable lifestyles by incubating, co-designing and financing communication, advocacy and awareness-raising ideas and initiatives promoted by small organizations of Italian civil society and aimed at raising awareness of citizens on the topic of climate change

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Capacity building and follow up services for the empowerment of the beneficiaries awarded through the call “Reazioni” promoted by Compagnia di San Paolo

Capacity building and follow up services for the empowerment of the beneficiaries awarded through the call Reazioni promoted by Compagnia di San Paolo

As part of the Reactions call to action launched by the Compagnia di San Paolo, PuntoSud was contracted to accompany a capacity building and follow-up program for the empowerment of the beneficiaries of the grant and to provide them with support in the implementation and reporting of supported projects.

Compagnia di San Paolo, through the mission of protecting environment, activated a call to action aimed at supporting projects and actions with concrete effects in the field of environmental protection and the adoption of sustainable and conscious lifestyles, stimulating the citizen engagement on these issues. PuntoSud has been contracted to accompany candidate and selected CSOs through a capacity building and follow-up program to empower them and to support the implementation and reporting phase of the financed projects. PuntoSud technical assistance will focus on the following:

  • Supporting the design and development of the call;
  • Dissemination and promotion of this new funding (organisation of info session and helpdesk support);
  • Preparation of documentation and reports relating to the various phases of the call to action;
  • Collaboration in the implementation of the activities of selected projects in a coaching logic and with the aim of increasing their impact and consolidating and expanding their range of action in the territory;
  • Supporting the beneficiaries in the phase of definition of metrics for monitoring and evaluating the results of the projects;
  • Supporting project reporting activities and presentation of the documentation required by Compagnia di San Paolo.






  • 19 organisations
  • 380.444 citizens

798.800 EUR

2023 – 2024


Capacity building and professional training, Environment/Fight against climate change, Granting and Sub-granting

SDGs Sustainable cities and communities SDGs Climate Action


15 consorzi finanziati

5555 EURO

15 consorzi finanziati

5555 EURO

15 consorzi finanziati

5555 EURO

  • €100.000

    valore progetto

  • 125

    alunni della scuola primaria

  • 250


  • 20



NOPLANETB: Bridging science and society to foster inclusive transition strategies

NOPLANETB is a project funded by the European Commission under the DEAR program, in which PuntoSud is the lead organization. The other EU countries involved are: Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Estonia. 210 selected small sized CSOs in these 8 countries will receive financial and capacity building support, involving local authorities, to promote science-based solutions and just transition practices and policies. Final beneficiaries of the action will be disengaged citizens, including marginalised and vulnerable groups

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Zero in conduct: in-formative actions driven by young people, teachers and citizens to reduce environmental impact

Aim of the project is to provide tools and new spaces of dialogue in order to help the actors of the formal and informal field activate themselves through educational and training activities to fight climate change, after deeply understanding its mechanisms

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NOPLANETB HUB: co-programming against climate change

NOPLANETB is the first Italian HUB that aims to promote the spread of sustainable lifestyles by incubating, co-designing and financing communication, advocacy and awareness-raising ideas and initiatives promoted by small organizations of Italian civil society and aimed at raising awareness of citizens on the topic of climate change

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Zero in conduct: in-formative actions driven by young people, teachers and citizens to reduce environmental impact

Zero in conduct: in-formative actions driven by young people, teachers and citizens to reduce environmental impact

Aim of the project is to provide tools and new spaces of dialogue in order to help the actors of the formal and informal field activate themselves through educational and training activities to fight climate change, after deeply understanding its mechanisms. The project wants to develop the transversal skills, to increase the cognitive, socio-emotional and behavioural dimension of the youngsters’ learning in order to make them protagonists of the ecological transition, thus to support the individual and collective change to create a more sustainable and just world. The Action engages educational and local institutions, young people and citizens.

The project consists in three main components/results:

  1. Young People and teachers gain more tools to understand Climate Change:
  2. Local institutions and CSOs increase their knowledge and ability to activate citizens, addressing them towards the ecological transition;
  3. Citizens are encouraged to participate in the ecological transition and the fight against Climate Change.

The project will develop Peer Education and Changemaker territorial paths. Both of them will allow the acquisition and the strengthening of information linked to local/national/global programs and strategies for ecological transition and the reduction of the environmental impact, active participation and decision-making processes. The understanding of these issues will allow young people to take action themselves, encourage their peers to be the protagonists of the ecological transition and local urban regeneration.

Young people will be engaged through exchange experiences such as The Climate Training Camp and the Open Call to Action. The Open Call to Action will allow them to send their ideas to answer the local environmental challenge. A commission of judges from the Bcorp and Benefit field, institutions and professionals of sustainability will evaluate them.

Local administrations and CSOs will be trained not only on policies and opportunities linked to the ecological transition but also on tools and good practices for youth and citizen engagement for a real participation in the decision-making processes.

Further beneficiaries of the training, at national level, will be the Teachers, who will receive information and materials to strengthen their knowledge and methodologies.

The project foresees, as a third result, a National Communication Campaign and Exchange initiatives promoted by the beneficiaries to make the citizens active members of the fight against climate change. To meet this goal, we also want to develop a Re-Granting activity to allow a selection of CSOs to develop their own local initiatives of awareness, advocacy and mobilization. The final national Event will be a further opportunity of exchange and dissemination at the institutional level.




  • 1.523.470 citizens
  • 20 organizations

697.457 EUR

2023 – 2024


Capacity building and professional training, Civil society, Education, Environment/Fight against climate change, Granting and Sub-granting

4 Quality Education SDGs Climate Action


15 consorzi finanziati

5555 EURO

15 consorzi finanziati

5555 EURO

15 consorzi finanziati

5555 EURO

  • €100.000

    valore progetto

  • 125

    alunni della scuola primaria

  • 250


  • 20



NOPLANETB: Bridging science and society to foster inclusive transition strategies

NOPLANETB is a project funded by the European Commission under the DEAR program, in which PuntoSud is the lead organization. The other EU countries involved are: Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Estonia. 210 selected small sized CSOs in these 8 countries will receive financial and capacity building support, involving local authorities, to promote science-based solutions and just transition practices and policies. Final beneficiaries of the action will be disengaged citizens, including marginalised and vulnerable groups

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Capacity building and follow up services for the empowerment of the beneficiaries awarded through the call “Reazioni” promoted by Compagnia di San Paolo

As part of the “Reactions” call to action launched by the Compagnia di San Paolo, PuntoSud was contracted to accompany a capacity building and follow-up program for the empowerment of the beneficiaries of the grant and to provide them with support in the implementation and reporting of supported projects.

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NOPLANETB HUB: co-programming against climate change

NOPLANETB is the first Italian HUB that aims to promote the spread of sustainable lifestyles by incubating, co-designing and financing communication, advocacy and awareness-raising ideas and initiatives promoted by small organizations of Italian civil society and aimed at raising awareness of citizens on the topic of climate change

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Training of candidate volunteers of the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps

Provision of online and face-to-face training services to candidate volunteers of the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps

The European Solidarity Corps programme aims to provide young people, including those with fewer opportunities, with easily accessible opportunities for engagement in solidarity activities, while improving and validating their competences.

Humanitarian Aid Volunteering projects funded under this strand will offer the opportunity to young people aged 18 to 35 years old to participate in volunteering activities, aiming at supporting humanitarian aid operations. Such activities will provide them the opportunity to carry out tasks needed to support the actions undertaken by their host organizations.

This project, led by Lattanzio KIBS, in partnership with

Punto Sud, Bioforce, IECAH and IFHV, focuses on the steps that bring potential volunteers within the Humanitarian Aid Volunteering projects from registration on the EU Solidarity Corps Portal to placement in a pool of volunteers available for selection by organizations.

The volunteers must have successfully completed mandatory training aiming at preparing them for volunteering in third countries, so as to ensure that they have the necessary skills and competences to help people in need in the most effective way.

The training offered by this project cover the following competences:

  • Transversal competences which are required in many sectors of volunteering and employment and are not specific to the humanitarian and development aid field (e.g. intercultural awareness or management of personal health and security);
  • Specific competences which are required for humanitarian and development aid more widely (such as applying the humanitarian principles or the principles of development cooperation).

Young people (aged 18-35) interested in participating must register on the portal, and complete an initial questionnaire to explore their interest in taking part in volunteering program.

They will then take a self-assessment questionnaire to evaluate readiness to take part in this programme and to get an insight on what to expect from the experience.

Those truly motivated will move to the specific online training preparing candidates for volunteering in humanitarian and development aid. Once completed, they will have to pass an online test focusing on what they have learned to be able to have access in a 5-day face-to-face training. In case of force majeure, F2F trainings may be replaced by virtual classroom training modules. Upon successful completion of the face-to-face training (or the virtual training) the candidates will be placed in the pool of volunteers available for selection by organizations.

PuntoSud has been involved in the following activities:

  • development of the contents of the self-assessment questionnaire
  • development of part of the contents of the online training (covering 8 hours)
  • development of online quiz to test the knowledge acquired from the online training
  • delivery of face-to-face training to volunteers in Milan, Italy (at least 8 sessions per year)


France, Germany, Italy, Spain





  • 4500 volunteers aged 18 to 35 years old

13,000,000 EUR

2022 – 2026


Capacity building and professional training, Education, Humanitarian aid/Emergency

4 Quality Education


15 consorzi finanziati

5555 EURO

15 consorzi finanziati

5555 EURO

15 consorzi finanziati

5555 EURO

  • €100.000

    valore progetto

  • 125

    alunni della scuola primaria

  • 250


  • 20



Engaging young rural European citizens in a gender responsive approach to soil protection

The ‘Rural voices’ project, involving 12 organizations across 14 European countries, operates in rural communities by experimenting with a new learning-centered approach for non-formal education in rural areas. It will engage 21 million young European rural citizens, locally and globally, in sustainable development efforts within their communities. PuntoSud will handle the financial support management.

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Civil society and human rights in Eswatini

In Eswatini we support human rights associations through the promotion of knowledge and participatory methods, thus facilitating the work of local networks and the interaction between different public and private entities operating in the African country.

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NOPLANETB HUB: co-programming against climate change

NOPLANETB HUB: co-programming against climate change

NOPLANETB is the first Italian HUB that aims to promote the spread of sustainable lifestyles by incubating, co-designing and financing communication, advocacy and awareness-raising ideas and initiatives promoted by small organizations of Italian civil society and aimed at raising awareness of citizens on the topic of climate change

Starting from 2017, and thanks to the There isn’t a PLANet B! Win-win strategies and small actions for big impacts on climate change, funded by the European Commission under the DEAR program (Development Education and Raising Awareness), PuntoSud has experimented, for the first time in Italy, the tool of financial support to third parties, a financing mechanism through which European Union funds have been disbursed to medium and small organizations.

Financial support is a tool to include in the financing mechanisms, thanks to the guarantees offered by the intermediary organization, small-sized organizations, which often have very limited managerial and financial skills, but innovative, replicable and scalable ideas and which are very active and capillaries in the territory for the reference community. It also allows organizations to participate in calls with simpler application and selection procedures.

The attention towards this tool has grown considerably in recent years, so the European Union considers it a key component of its calls for proposals.

Thanks to the experience acquired, PuntoSud guarantees, before launching the calls to finance the Organizations, to identify a particularly urgent topic of collective interest with CSOs and to develop a shared strategy between the donor and the PuntoSud Foundation.

PuntoSud monitors the project implementation process and the progress of the entire process and ensures that the results achieved are constantly checked. Furthermore, the CSOs are accompanied both in planning and in managing the funds, organizing training sessions for the same CSOs.

This training, detailed on the basis of the interests and characteristics of the small and medium-sized civil society organizations financed, includes meetings and workshops for sharing design methods and rules and project managing, as well as training on relevant topics for projects (crowdfunding, campaigning, storytelling, social marketing).

A helpdesk service is provided and is available to all funded organizations for the entire duration of the project. This service provides continuous support, guidance and answers to specific questions such as the preparation of management tools and the sharing of good practices among the financed organizations.

NOPLANETB has the communication as a transversal element at all levels due to the relevance it has in initiating a change on the issue of climate change, and to promote the development of a solid network among the organizations financed to start the development of strategic partnerships, or strengthen them.

To date, 6 calls have been launched, funding and supporting 58 organizations.







  • 190.000 citizens

1.120.000 EUR



Advocacy/Awareness raising/Comunication, Capacity building and professional training, Civil society, Education, Environment/Fight against climate change, Granting and Sub-granting, Sustainable development

SDGs Sustainable cities and communities  SDGs Climate Action


15 consorzi finanziati

5555 EURO

15 consorzi finanziati

5555 EURO

15 consorzi finanziati

5555 EURO

  • €100.000

    valore progetto

  • 125

    alunni della scuola primaria

  • 250


  • 20



NOPLANETB: Bridging science and society to foster inclusive transition strategies

NOPLANETB is a project funded by the European Commission under the DEAR program, in which PuntoSud is the lead organization. The other EU countries involved are: Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Estonia. 210 selected small sized CSOs in these 8 countries will receive financial and capacity building support, involving local authorities, to promote science-based solutions and just transition practices and policies. Final beneficiaries of the action will be disengaged citizens, including marginalised and vulnerable groups

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Capacity building and follow up services for the empowerment of the beneficiaries awarded through the call “Reazioni” promoted by Compagnia di San Paolo

As part of the “Reactions” call to action launched by the Compagnia di San Paolo, PuntoSud was contracted to accompany a capacity building and follow-up program for the empowerment of the beneficiaries of the grant and to provide them with support in the implementation and reporting of supported projects.

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Zero in conduct: in-formative actions driven by young people, teachers and citizens to reduce environmental impact

Aim of the project is to provide tools and new spaces of dialogue in order to help the actors of the formal and informal field activate themselves through educational and training activities to fight climate change, after deeply understanding its mechanisms

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Training and support services to the DG ECHO staff and partners

Supply of training and support Services to the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO)

For over 15 years we have been supporting The Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO) so as to facilitate a proper and transparent management of humanitarian interventions and an efficient and effective collaboration between the donor (EU) and the funding recipients (NGOs, International Organisations and Member States’ Specialised Agencies)

This service contract has been requested by the Directorate General for Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO) to provide training and support services to its staff and to its Partners’ Organisations staff.
PuntoSud is acting as HumaniTrain consortium leader and as main expert the EU Humanitarian Partnership Certificate 2021-2027, the FFPAs, the FAFA and other relevant DG ECHO rules and procedures. Instituto de estudios sobre Conflictos y Accion Humanitaria (IECAH) and Groupe Urgence Rehabilitation Developpement (Groupe URD) add their specific knowledge and expertise on thematic policies related to the Humanitarian Aid Sector. Lattanzio KIBS (Lattanzio KIBS) is specialized in management of digital learning programmes and Learning Management System, including the EU Academy platform.

Thanks to their different experiences and skills, this group of organisation is providing a wide spectrum of support services, in English, French and Spanish, through a variety of tools, which include:

  1. Classroom training: designed and delivered for DG ECHO Partners and staff in an online virtual modality and when requested, face-to-face, in Europe and the field. They focus on EU Humanitarian Partnerships with regard of partnership rules, project cycle and procedures and on DG ECHO thematic policies. Objective of these courses is that participants (DG ECHO and implementing agencies staff) acquire a good knowledge of the policies and procedures, know how to apply them correctly in their daily work and have a better mutual knowledge of each other’s roles and responsibilities. All the classroom training material is constantly reviewed and updated, taking into account eventual new rules or guidelines issued by DG ECHO, the evaluation reports provided by trainers and participants, the latest developments in the adult training methodologies.
  2. eLearning modules: designed and accessible online (in English, French and Spanish), to provide information and insights on specific topics at participants’ pace. They are designed using a variety of tools and methods that allow engaging lectures (videos, interviews, checklists, etc.) and more interactive sessions (knowledge tests, scenarios, discussion panels, etc.). eLearning modules are constantly reviewed and updated, taking into account eventual new rules or guidelines issued by DG ECHO, the evaluation reports provided by participants
  3. Webinars: provide swift information and updates to the target audience about novelties and specific requirements.
  4. Workshops and seminars: designed and delivered face-to-face, for experienced practitioners of DG ECHO Partners and staff, in Europe and in the field, to allow deeper interaction and exchange of ideas.
  5. Helpdesk website: a dedicated website for self-learning targeting ECHO’s partners has been developed to explain the main rules and procedures of project management. The added value of the helpdesk website is its organisation per topic, regardless the source of the information provided (legal framework, guidelines, fact sheets, FAQ, policy documents, etc.), to allow complete understanding of a specific issue without the need to browse all available documentation. The content of the Helpdesk website is constantly enriched with new documentation and supporting tools, as soon as they become available.
  6. Helpdesk mail service: through this email, PuntoSud provides day-to-day support to DG ECHO Partners’ staff, replying to questions related to administrative, legal, financial and procedural aspects in the management of DG ECHO-funded projects.


World Wide



  • DG ECHO staff, working in Brussels or at field level
  • Staff belonging to Partner Organisations (including NGOs,
  • International Organisations, Member State Specialised Agencies, United Nations Agencies)
  • Other stakeholders (Auditors, Staff from Humanitarian Procurement Centers or Implementing Partners, etc.)

12.722.170 EUR

2003 – 2027


Capacity building and professional training, Civil society, Humanitarian aid/Emergency

4 Quality Education



In 2003 PuntoSud starts its long-lasting cooperation with DG ECHO participating into two capacity development projects financed by DG ECHO and promoted by Solint Forum, a consortium of Italian NGOs (CISP, COOPI, COSV, Intersos and Movimondo). Both grants aimed to support DG ECHO partners in preparing and implementing humanitarian projects and programmes by facilitating the correct and timely application of the Framework Partnership Agreement financial and contractual rules and procedures, as well accountability principles and best practices in Humanitarian Aid.

From 2005 onwards PuntoSud continues its support to the DG ECHO implementing other consecutive capacity development grants  with the creation of the famous ‘Trenino’, a manual providing Humanitarian Organizations with clear procedural and operative information for the management of DG ECHO funded projects under the FPA 2003-2007. Moreover a Training package was developed for internal training. PuntoSud also cooperated for the preparation of a ‘project compiler, a prototype of the eSingle form for the the preparation of narrative and financial reports. Several FPA trainings targeting Humanitarian Operators were delivered. In 2006 a permanent Helpdesk was set up together with the helpdesk website (the “Track”)


Capacity building grants:

  • Monitoring and Evaluation in Humanitarian Aid: Quality Procedures (with Solint forum)
  • Development of integrated project and financial management tools in conformity with the 2003 FPA (with Solint Forum)
  • Supporting the quality approach in humanitarian aid: creation of an helpdesk and development of PCM based tools relating to the application of the FPA
  • Quality partnership in humanitarian aid:provision and consolidation of the PuntoSud-helpdesk website and supporting activities
  • Building capacity of DG-ECHO Partners through the PuntoSud helpdesk website – phase out FPA 2003-2007


653.665 EUR


The aim of this Framework Contract was to support DG-ECHO partners in preparing and implementing projects and programmes by facilitating the correct and timely application of the Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA) 2008 financial and contractual rules and procedures, as well accountability principles and best practices in Humanitarian Aid.

The action enabled PuntoSud to develop a comprehensive set of tools which virtually cover all the phases of the project cycle, from the inception period (planning & design) to the end of the project (reporting, monitoring and evaluation). At the same time the project gave the opportunity to set up a permanent helpdesk: a working group at disposal of partners, to deliver support, via email, on humanitarian issues.


MDF Training & Consultancy Brussels

Istituto Studi Politica Internazionale – ISPI

Particip GmbH


3.668.505 EUR


Continuation of activities implemented in the previous contract to support DG-ECHO partners in preparing and implementing projects and programmes by facilitating the correct and timely application of the FPA 2014 contractual rules and procedures.


MDF Training & Consultancy Brussels

Istituto Studi Politica Internazionale – ISPI

Particip GmbH


3.551.493,00 EUR


Continuation of the activities implemented in the previous contract to support DG-ECHO partners in the preparation and implementation of projects and programs by facilitating the correct and timely application of contractual rules and procedures.


Particip GmbH

MDF Training and Consultancy

Instituto de estudios sobre Conflictos y Accion Humanitaria – IECAH

Groupe Urgence Rehabilitation Developpement – Groupe URD 


2.800.000,00 EUR


Continuation of the activities implemented in the previous contract to support DG-ECHO partners in the preparation and implementation of projects and programmes by facilitating the correct and timely application of contractual rules and procedures.


Instituto de estudios sobre Conflictos y Accion Humanitaria – IECAH

Groupe Urgence Rehabilitation Developpement – Groupe URD 

Lattanzio KIBS 


2.048.507  EUR

  • €2.800.000

    project budget


NOPLANETB: Bridging science and society to foster inclusive transition strategies

NOPLANETB is a project funded by the European Commission under the DEAR program, in which PuntoSud is the lead organization. The other EU countries involved are: Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Estonia. 210 selected small sized CSOs in these 8 countries will receive financial and capacity building support, involving local authorities, to promote science-based solutions and just transition practices and policies. Final beneficiaries of the action will be disengaged citizens, including marginalised and vulnerable groups

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Capacity building and follow up services for the empowerment of the beneficiaries awarded through the call “Reazioni” promoted by Compagnia di San Paolo

As part of the “Reactions” call to action launched by the Compagnia di San Paolo, PuntoSud was contracted to accompany a capacity building and follow-up program for the empowerment of the beneficiaries of the grant and to provide them with support in the implementation and reporting of supported projects.

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Zero in conduct: in-formative actions driven by young people, teachers and citizens to reduce environmental impact

Aim of the project is to provide tools and new spaces of dialogue in order to help the actors of the formal and informal field activate themselves through educational and training activities to fight climate change, after deeply understanding its mechanisms

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Fight against energy poverty: evaluation of the Doniamo Energia Calls

Doniamo Energia call for proposals

Through the evaluation of the Calls for Proposals Doniamo Energia, promoted by Fondazione Cariplo and Banco dell’energia, we contribute to the development of intervention models finalised at avoiding that disadvantaged families in the Lombardy descend into structural poverty. We do this by focusing on promoting skills and territorial networks.

Poor education, food and energy: these are three dimensions of poverty that the Fondazione Cariplo undertakes to fight together with institutions, non-profit organizations and companies, according to a model based on the three pillars: public, private and social.

The “Doniamo Energia” programme, promoted in collaboration by Fondazione Cariplo and Banco dell’energia, is one of the initiatives to combat poverty. The Banco Energia Onlus is a non-profit organization, promoted by A2A and the Foundations AEM and ASM, founded in 2016 with the aim of raising funds to support people and families belonging to weak social groups at risk of poverty.

The meeting between Fondazione Cariplo and Banco dell’energia made it possible to combine resources and skills to support people in economic fragility with paths of support and “re-start” at 360 °, first of all through the distribution of basic necessities or the payment of urgent expenses such as the bills of any energy operator, and then think of routes to take charge and reactivation, which provide for forms of work and social reintegration and to rethink resources for the community, with a view to generative welfare.

The “Doniamo Energia” program, now in its third edition, is promoted in collaboration with the Cariplo Foundation and Banco Energy, and is one of the initiatives to combat poverty in Italy. Over the course of the various editions, 38 consortia took part made up of non-profit organizations and local authorities who jointly presented multiple projects financed by the call.

Our activities
The involvement of PuntoSud is divided as follows:

  • The accompaniment to the implementing organisations aimed at facilitating the development of project ideas and the implementation of projects through a feasible and effective monitoring plan. With reference to this work plan, the following actions are inserted:
    • Helpdesk support and follow-up in progress, aimed at ensuring data collection and overcoming any operational difficulties of these activities.
  • The implementation of a system of monitoring and reporting of the progress of the program, able to systematically detect the progress of the project activities and to produce the information necessary for the periodic and overall control of the projects. In this context, sud was engagedto develop the format for the detection of results in order to ensure the project (and the program) a system for collecting the priority information in order to allow a collection of quantitative data of output and outcome. Together with this action, a complementary work of collecting qualitative information related to the implementation of the projects (deviation from the plan, criticality, elements of strength and opportunities) is also required.
  • Critical evaluation of the programme for donors, with the aim of highlighting and communicating to the representatives of the Cariplo Foundation, A2A Spa and the Banco dell’Energia Onlus, the progress of the program and the development of an overall evaluation experience.






  • around 6.000 people

7.400.000 EUR



Advocacy/Awareness raising/Comunication, Capacity building and professional training, Civil society, Human rights and Governance/Accountability

SDGs Reduced Inequalities



15 projects financed


2.000.000 EUR


16 projects financed


3.400.000 EUR


17 projects financed


2.000.000 EUR

  • €100.000

    project budget

  • 125

    primary school students

  • 250


  • 20



best beyond stereotypes

School and gender stereotypes: an innovative intervention model

With the Be.St. – Beyond Stereotypes project we promote the development of a systemic approach across primary schools in order to facilitate relationship building amongst children based on respect and the acknowledgement of diversity in order for future generations to become more aware of their potentials.

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